Children with Genetic Pancreatitis?

I have a 7 year old who was diagnosed with pancreatitis at age 3. I am inquiring about other parents experience with this disease, treatments, doctors, etc?

I have two children with hereditary pancreatitis who became symptomic at 2 and 4. They are now 15 and 10. What questions do you have?

I have a 6 year old daughter diagnosed with CP at 4 1/2. She has a genetic mutation which causes her attacks. She has a full mutation on her SPINK1 gene and a partial mutation on her CFTR gene. She has had MRCP's (MRI scans on her pancreas) which show no blockages in her bile ducts. She is on a lowfat diet and takes Creon enzymes with her meals. Its been a struggle over these past 2 years, but her attacks come and go pretty quickly, usually only lasting a couple days each. There is no history of this in our family. I'll be happy to share any information I can about our situation. The more people that can talk and help about this terrible disease the better.