Cholecystectomy Surgery Tomorrow

I just thought I would let you all know my cholecystectomy is tomorrow.

I have to be there at 7am but surgery isn’t until 10am. My surgeon is known for moving things up if he gets done early, so it might start sooner that 10am. I am suposed to come home tomorrow but if it has to change to open surgery then I will be in the hospital for a few days. My husband and I think we will request the dye to check the common bile duct. The surgeon said he might not do that so we don’t risk an acute flare of pancreatitis, but we think it would be foolish to not do it and then there be a problem.

Well I will post tomorrow to update, if I can. Keep me in your thoughts, thanks!~


Welcome home, and thankfulness that all went well with your surgery. Yes, the trapped gas can real hurt, but it does go away, thank god. Rest up and keep us posted on your condition and how the tests go with the gallbladder.
hugs to all,

macbeth719, good luck on your surgery, I’m praying that all goes well for you.

Last week Dr. Freeman said that it is important to not do too much
when you are “in there” because it causes more stress on your body.

Doc said the next step for me would be to take out the gall bladder so
I told him to go ahead and take it! But he wouldn’t do it last week bc
if the other things on the list. And he was doing the dye in the ducts
and didn’t want to combine that!

I know you want your answers but I also know that you don’t want to
get super sick for your family! So, if the doc thinks it puts you at
risk for even a mild attack…think about what that really means!

Of course, I am still in my days of hero like worship of Dr. Freeman,
but pancreas is his practice. He knows it well and seems to know it’s
temperment. And we all know that it’s temperment is that of a nine
month old baby who is teething. Don’t rush it!

Good luck! Don’t worry about the timing. You’ll get an IV when you get
there so no worries- you’ll have your fluids!

I’m getting along okay. Tried to eat half a pop tart this morning and
now I feel terrible and my mom thought it would be a good time to call
and give me a list of to dos!! Anybody else have their heart race when
they feel nauseous?


Best of luck on your surgery tomorrow Keke. I am not sure what your procedure consists of, but I am sure you’ll be fine…you are in good hands. Amanda, my heart races when I am nausous. I am not sure why that happens. Is a pop tart the best thing to eat for you? I kind of targeted what my pancreas likes and doesn’t like. Maybe I could help you a bit. Start with plain rice, mashed potatos, and noodles. Do not put any butter on them. I usually put some salt and a few squirts of the “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter” spray. Then I move to dry toast or raisen cinnamon bread. Stay away from fat and protein basically. Keep it bland. I have noticed dairy to cause me problems too. Bland vegetable or rice soup is good too. Just make sure that it is low in fat. Hope this helps! Take Care both of you!

DD -

I knew better with the pop tart. I have them in my pantry for my
nephew. I thought one would be okay. I blame the poor decision making
on the percostet. :slight_smile:

I do love the other items on your list. I had TWO helpings of plain
ole spaghetti last night.


good luck with the surgery, and let us know how you are doing when you are able to. i will keep you in my prayers. yes my heart races when i get nausea too. but pain is ever present as well so not sure if that has anything to do with it or not. has anybody noticed that any kind of meat at all seems to be the beast and makes you nauseated as well?

Best of luck on your surgery tomorrow- I will be saying prayers that all
goes really well. Love to you, Jackie

Keri, best of wishes to you, you will be in my prayers, be strong and
stay positive ! Much love coming your way!

My heart also races, but I am like you, the pain is present, and I blame
that ! Maybe it is the nausea !

Hi Krie,
You well be in my prays , You will do great.

Thanks all.

I am home and ready for a sleep. I have had a hard time waking up this time. The gall bladder “seemed” fine doc said. But pathology will be checking for “micro stones”. I am sore and the trapped gas is killing me. I just had some soup and a pain pill- off to bed.


Glad everything went well. The trapped gas goes away in 24 hours but I know how painful it is. Good luck to you. I have surgery tomorrow.


Before the doctors put me on prescriptoin for it I had a terrible time with chronic constipation. The only thing that helped me was Milk of Magnesia-the liquid not the pills or caplets. It doesn't taste all that pleasant but they give it to people who are in multi-system organ failure because it's so easy on the system. A word of caution though, there are no intense cramps that go with it. When you feel a bit of cramping a need to maybe let a little gas, go to the bathroom, odds are it's not gas but the med working. 

hope things improve for you and I'm glad that the fever is gone.



I spiked a fever Late friday night. So after a rough night and a few calls to the surgeon, we were off to the ER. We arrived at 5am Sat morning. After being evaluated for many things including checking to see if the clips holding the ducts closed, fell off. They found all was well. No pneumonia, no bile leak, no kidney/bladder infection. My fever came down while there and the sent me home saying fever was a fluke. I am still fever free. I am feeling ok.

Now I am dealing with constipation. I was able to tolerate percocet (normally nothing more than tylenol3) but I haven’t had a bm since before surgery at the hospital. Anyone have any suggestions? I am usually dealing with the opposite.


I was on percoset too and had the same problem. I got my schedule back
yesterday and stopped taking the drugs on Wednesday. I have also been
a bit shaky, (finding it more difficult to type on the iPod the past
few days) and light headed.

Before the ERCP and all I was eating was applesauce, I hadn’t gas one
for more than a week. But it was better than what would happen if I
actually ate something!

Glad the fever is gone. Now you just have to wait and see if it makes
a difference overall.

I amgoing back to work tomorrow. I have so much anxiety about it. I
have two letters from doctors but I know I will have to listen to crap
from HR about why I wasn’t back sooner and why I have to take another
day this week (to get the stents out). Because as you all know, after
having light sedation from an endoscopy it is really easy to go back
to the office and keep your head from crashing onto the keyboard.
Sorry, I had to rant a little. The thought of going back to that place
tomorrow makes me nauseeous and not in a pancreas type way. I love my
job but some if the people are so mean.

Love ya,

Drink lots of fluids to keep the constipation at bay. MOM is a good alternative as mentioned but, once again, cramping can be an issue. Try Miralax. It is much more gentle. Also, taking a stool softener (Colace is probably the most common brand name) EVERY day will also help. Taking it once in a while may not be as helpful as if you took it on a regular basis. Avoid the “bowel cleansers” like Fleet Phosphasoda as they have other issues with them.

Good luck and prayers for pain free days and nights
