Chronic headaches

For those of you who have FMD in carotids are headaches something you have most of the time? If so what do you find gives you relief?Tylenol for me does nothing NSAIDS aren’t allowed.I have mostly narcotics , Just wondering what others do or are prescribed.

Thanks Anne I will ask Dr worth a try. What is empty sella?

I get headaches almost daily, mainly migraines and have bi-lateral carotid FMD. I have prescription Maxalt for migraines that I can take with Advil and that works for me. But I can’t take my daily aspirin if I took Advil, so I try to avoid the ibuprofen. Recently started taking Migravent which has been helping, it is a supplement for migraines. You can look it up on the internet or find it at health food stores.

Hi Realty thanks for posting. I will ask my Nuero about meds. I’m wondering if the tingling burny feeling on my scalp could be from nerve damage from dissection.Sometimes I have that feeling with headaches. Now I know time to put in call and ask more questions.

I have a spot on my head that itches all the time. I was wondering if it was nerve damage also. Drives me nuts. Before I had carotid surgery I was having the worst headache of my life, when I woke from surgery it was even worse… I was wondering what if I had stroke during surgery and they failed to tell me because I recovered and they didnt see the need to tell me.

I had headaches for over 30 years. My daughter age 38 had headaches for the past 4 years. Tried several meds with little relief. In January 2008, a very wise women recommended a migraine coctail: Co Q-10 ,100 mg, L-carnitine, B-complex, each once a day and Megnesiom (250) twice a day. My daughter has been taking the supplements for 5 months and has been headache free. Worth a try.

Also, while at NIH I learned that I have an empty sella. This is common in individuals that have FMD. The empty sella may also cause headaches and migraine symptoms.

Good luck!
