Does anyone know if colonics help with Chronic Pancreatitis?
Jenny … I, too, have a pancreatic divisum, and subsequent chronic pancreatitis. In addition to having a traditional GI specialist, I also see a nutritionist. The medical modalities have been helpful, but so have the non-traditional ones. I do not know if colonics are helpful, but I can personally testify that coffe enemas have made a huge difference! These were recommended by my nutritionist. I was so sick at the time that I would have tried anything.
I just had the surgery to remove my gallbladder about two weeks ago did any of that help with your CP? Also since having your Gallbladder removed and having the divisum do you still experience pain? Is the nutrionist helping at all? Everyone keeps suggesting i try juicing and someone else recommended i try natural detox, just not sure the route to go, so confused still taking pain meds everyday not as much throughout the day but definitely alot in the morning and at night not sure why my pain escalates around that time. Any information you have will be very appreciated
Does yours usually get worst during the week or before of your menstrual cycle? How long was it after your gallbladder was removed did you experience no pain? What meds do they have you on? I am on Dilaudid and Oxycontin I get so many weird looks everytime I have to feel my perscription since the gallbladder surgery I don't need them as much but still need them at night and in the morning time. Doing the best I can with this illness trying to still juggle work and take care of a 4 year old. Very challenging it is. Does your stomach still swell or bloat with flares?
I also have divisum with my cp. I am at best, hit and miss right now. It is a blessing that I found this support group. I have learned a lot from reading others theories and findings. I have done juicing and I totally understand the to many apple comment you made! I do juice when I feel I need extra vitamins etc. Then I will use Kale and a variety of things that I am sure I would not just sit down and eat. Whole fruits and vegetables seem to agree with me most. I found the 60% comment from your doctor interesting also. It makes sense. For me, I just like to understand how and why things work (or don't). Can you explain more about the coffee enema? I appreciate your help. Sharon
Suzanne, By the way, does jello help?