Concerning Itching in Polycythemia

This question is for PeterC, don’t you think most of your itching is from having Mastocytosis? Sure, people with Polycythemia experience itching, but having lesions that itch must be hard to live with. With Polycythemia you itch, but there are no lesions, just primarily red coloring of the skin, because of the high red counts. I see my doctor once a month, but your condition, having the two diseases, both rare, keeps you at the Doctor every week. Like Polycythemia, I quess their is no cure for Mastocytosis. Do you see a Dermatologist as well as a Hematologist? What are your blood counts? Just curious.

I’m not sure about my blood counts, but was told they have leveled out finally. I have no real lesions but do have times when my skin gets red. Finally I will now see my Dr. monthly unless the counts change again.
I’ve found ice packs give some relief to the itching when it happens.
Do you find that at times your energy level is low? I slept almost all of Tuesday of last week. Hoping to sign lease on a store this week, which will have me working 7 days a week.
I’m in the Atlanta area, where are you from?

Peter so many people in these group. I don’t know if you are responding to me or anybody else. Anyway, I am dominican, currently living in NY> To:> From:> Subject: Re: [polycythemia-vera] Concerning Itching in Polycythemia> Date: Mon, 5 May 2008 10:38:15 -0400> >

Hi, I have had success with using heavy moisturizing bath & shower wash then blot dry and while still moist use a very good body lotion (don’t skimp with it) and then wrap up in a terry cloth robe and just chill out while it soaks in. Drink a glass of water and read or meditate. It’s “me time” so gear up the “I will not feel guilty about taking this quiet time for me” attitude. Pro-active, go get 'em attitude is usually helpful, even if it is the attack of the lotions! Good luck. memyselfandI