Coping Skills for Depression

Besides the ultimate favorite, sleeping, what do you do to cope with your depression? I am always looking for something new.

Currently I am enjoying weeding the garden and working with all my plants indoors and out. I feel so good afterwards. I also try to find the time to play my guitar at least an hour every other day because that gets aLOT of agression and anger out of me!


I can’t help but wonder, how anger/aggression release guitar music sounds.  :wink:


Hey everyone!!!

My biggest coping skill is my iPod.Music has been a huge part of my life
since I was about 7,when my father left my mom.I threw myself into Rod
Stewart,Foreigner,Journey and Styx.My music now ranges from Rick Springfield to
All-American Rejects,from Duran Duran to Nine Inch Nails.Alternative is my favorite
while classic rock is also a BIG passion of mine.I have different playlists
for my moods.I have Zen which is ballads and quieter rock,and I have Driving
Force,which is music I like to listen to while I drive,like Seether,Hinder
and Three Days Grace.I even have some rock songs done as lullabyes!You haven’t
lived til you’ve heard Metallica songs as lullabyes…
Have a great night!!!


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I don’t go for the bloodied fingers approach to guitar (or bass) playing when depressed – but it can get plenty LOUD

Aaron…very painfully sometimes, as it can get the fingers to bleeding if you do it for too long!

It just brings peace to my soul after awhile, playing and singing and hitting those strings. It’s just a varity of good music that always has meant something. Cleta is right, Metallica has some great ballads, so does Bob Dylan, Staind, Kurt Cobain, The Band, etc. I can be upset, madder than a hornet, hurt, crying, and that will depend on what kinds of stuff I play. I almost always come out of it feeling drained, and renewed. Hey, whatever works, huh?

Know I can’t say if it does the dog or the neighbors any good! But I sure feel better afterwards. I guess it is one version of singing your heart out in the car or shower, with a twist. I get my “easy, fun” playing done with my relatives, where it is all Bluegrass and country.

Cleta…I’m so dumb I still haven’t managed to figure out an IPOD!!!

It took me forever to learn how to do it.Now I have some music videos and
even a few tv shows on it.Nothing major,just some My Chemical Romance and
Nickelback for videos,and Buffy and a British show called Torchwood.But I’ll tell
you,it’s awesome to watch your iPod while you’re waiting in line for the
opening midnight showing of The Dark Knight! =)


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Sometimes that head-under-the-covers thing seems like the only choice left.

I try to read, crocheta (sp) sorry or do fills ins. Sometimes it works and sometimes not. I’ve recently started looking for beach glass and that does seem to relax me.

Checq…the fingers only get that way if you don’t keep it up, or if you go tooooo long, I play enough to keep up the calluses. Besides, it isn’t ALWAYS angry music, it just relaxes me period!

I would LOVE to be able to be ALONE more. Thank is one thing i wish for. I crave that.

“I would LOVE to be able to be ALONE more. Thank is one thing i wish for.
I crave that.”

What is this ‘alone’ you speak of???
All kidding aside,the kids went back to school so it’s a bit quieter
here.Hubby has two days off during the week so that leaves me with three days to
myself.Trouble is,that’s when I’m running all my errands and seeing my Mom who
is in assisted living.I spend hubby’s days off with him usually.When I’m alone
I catch up on my Tivo’ed Law and Order:SVU and I try to read.I’m reading
’Scar Tissue’ which is the autobiography of the lead singer of the Red Hot Chili
Peppers.Oh-and I listen to LOTS of music.

Have a good night all!!!


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Running two miles every morning helps me a great deal, losing myself in a good movie, having long talks with my husband helps at times, talking to caring people on CP and others in my life, and having my “alone” time when i can get it. Right now I am dealing with some physical issues, also, so my best coping skill, running is put on hold…:frowning:
The one coping skill that helps me the MOST and i just completely forgot about is LAUGHING. When someone makes me laugh, it is truly a treasure to behold when I am feeling down. Learning to laugh at myself is the best gift I have EVER given myself. Try it; it is alot of fun…

littlebitty, have you found much beach glass? i live on a beach too, but i haven’t been walking on it in a long while… i used to find that relaxing, walking along the shore. x stitch, drawing, laughing at silly movies / or jokes with friends, being outside in nature.

Cleta…How is that “Scar Tissue”? Is that any good? I have that on my “wish list” at Amazon to get. I like Anthony…it seems like it would be good.

Alone…to me, is alone. I am NEVER alone. I constantly have someone else around me, 24/7. Not that I particularly want to do anyting, I just like my private time. I don’t get any. I get up at 5, make my husbands lunch, feed the dog, take a shower, go to work, get home around 7, make dinner, wash the dishes, do housework, and I live with my husband and my father in law, so someone is always there. I have alot of vacation but don’t take it cause there is someone always there and i just don’t want to be there with my father in law (he has dementia, so he likes to talk, and talk, and talk…). Going someone by myself is OUT OF THE QUESTION.

I don’t ever have time to read (which i dearly LOVE), so i feel a bit squeezed at time for myself.

Only remember ever having my fingers bleed once from playing – I was playing at a party non-stop for hours and developed a blood blister that broke. I was playing bass, my main instrument.

As to the iPod – don’t even have one. LOL I settle for an MP3 CD player – besides, my fingers are too big to comfortably work all these new little gadgets.

Doing the head under the covers thing isn’t such a bad idea.Just don’t
forget to bring a straw to breathe through. =)


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Last night I needed a coping skill. I searched and searched and couldn’t come up w anyting smarter than putting my head under the covers and hiding from the world.

bonbon, can you not get any respite care?