Could a barium swallow test missed Achalasia

Hello all 

I have been searching for ansers to my eating problem. and found that Achalasia maches my problems exackly. but I had a barium swallow test and it showed everthing went down fine, but it was a good day for me i had been fasting for twelve hours went in for test felt good. acrouding to test everthing fine except for small hiatal hernia.and singes of acid reflux. later that day started haveing problems again food felt like it was in my chest, presure in mystumack unable to belch. so my quetion is is it possible for your spencter to function normally somtimes and then start acting up again? please help doctor say i have slow digestive track, but that does not match my systems

I am not a Doctor, but was diagnosed with Achalasia 10 years ago. With achalasia, the sphincter is permanently inoperative. As well, the oesophegus has a defined ballon effect near the sphincter, from food building up due to it not getting through the sphincter & into the stomach. In my case, the barium swallow clearly showed this up, as the barium solution gathered there. What you describe sounds like a typical hiatus hernia to me, not achalasia. Hope that helps. Rob E