Could this be it? I think so

Hello every1;

b4 i start pls let me tell u that im NOT a medical doctor and the following is just my personal opinion.

I was a -still am- member of the yahoo group but i c we relocated here. I lost my dad to pc over 2 yrs ago. Since that day ive been obsessed with cancer treatments.

People might remember my arguments against traditional cancer treatments. chemo and radio. Through research ive found out that these treatments do not fully penetrate the tumour hence the high mortality rate. why u ask? its because abnormal blood vessels that feed the tumours prevent treatment to reach tumour cells. now cue prof RAKESH K. JAIN of Massachusetts General Hospital and also Harvard Medical School. This guy while researching cancer in 1974 finds out that not enough chemo was penerating tumour in rats. Very very long story short. The new approach in medicine is to try to eradicate the blood vessels to stop the tumour feeding itself. What the prof is saying lets not try to destroy the blood vessels going into tumours therefore hope to starve off the tumour (cause it’ll just find another way to feed it self) but lets normalise them. WHICH HE HAS DONE! the drugs he administered actually makes the blood vessels leading to the tumour normal for at least 28 days allowing traditional chemo to do its job properly. If i havent seen the pics for myself i wouldnt have believed it. he tried this method on 30 patients whose brain tumours had re grown despite surgery and chemo. The patients had a life expactancy of less than 6 months. than it show a series of pictures. in pic1 it shows patients scan on day 1 just b4 the treatment the tumour is massive. pic 2 shows the same patient scan after 24 hrs the tumour looks 90% eradicated. pic 3 shows day 27 completly clear. than pic4 shows day 111 still all clear. If u wanna see the pics for ur self purchase ‘scientific american’ magazine issue jan2008

I hope this helps

eren from united kingdom