Danger Of Sodas

I get Ginger Beer at my local grocery. On the bottle, I seem to
remember reading that it has 25 gm of ginger in it. On ginger ale, you
never know if there is any real ginger at all in it! The flavor is
great and the actual level of carbonization is about half what one
would get with a regular soda.


Dear Warbi and Anyse,

Have I heard about ginger beer? Have I heard about ginger beer? I love the stuff! Good ginger beer has a real kick to it! :slight_smile: I have’t had any in a long time. I think I have to go to Vendomes for it here. I haven’t seen it at our local supermarket. Then again, I should take a better look for it.

Love And Blessed Be,

Here is a fairly interesting article I found while looking into the caffeine thing:

I had not heard of caffeine helping, unfortunately it seems just for pancreatitis caused by alcohol… still interesting though. That was one of the first things I asked my gi about. He said that he hadn’t heard anything, but I have to give up my Coke or my teeth anyway so… lol
About the only thing that is implicated in caffeine is that it is a diuretic so if you drink two to three times the amount of water to caffenated drinks, you should be fine. Before the dentist visit, I basically lived off Cokes and my meds because I couldn’t keep any food down.
I am sorry that your “friends” feel that you have to party with them to be able to spend time with them, dakota. Hang in there!

I think it was they heard I was quiting smoking as well,I cant catch a freaking break.

Holy crap!!! We are in way too much parallel! lol Musn’t get too close or we might cause an inversion of the space-time continuum! lol Best of luck on the smoking thing!