Danger Of Sodas

Hello All,

I tried to post this topic yesterday, but it went missing. I received a book co-authored by Dr. Oz the other day from One Spirit. I scanned the book and found the following: people who drink syrupy and sugary drinks are 90 times more likely to get pancreatic cancer than those who don’t. I read the passage a few times to make sure I was reading it correctly. It hit me full in the abdomen. My husband and my brother-in-law are coke lovers!!! They would drink it all day and night long. My husband did cut down on it. I wonder if this is all true?

Love And Blessed Be,

now that I have to be on a fat free diet,my doc told me its the caffine in the soda and yes that means diet soda.So I stopped drinking beer,pop,and coffee and I guess thats why my phone stopped ringing.

o my theresa i wonder now also. i love sweet drinks coke being my fav i drink ice tea with sugar also. i have 2 search this out i wonder if its true also. i drank alot coke in my past days. did you find anything about the autopsy yet. and are you felling better i hope so i often think of ya.

your friend in the south nancy

I just received a Health and Nutrition newsletter from Tufts University
(Dec 2006 issue) that also talks about food and pancreatic cancer.
It describes foods that are very helpful in preventing pancreatic cancer are spinach and some cabbages which contain Kaempferol. These provided the most benefit.
It goes on to say that onions and black tea are also good for preventing this type of cancer, "showing a modest association with lowered risk."
It also says that apples and green herbal teas showed no benefit at all.
It was an interesting article, so I wanted to share it with the group.
If you are not a big tea drinker, I found that black tea comes in chai spice which is very tasty and usually has ginger spice in it which can soothe nausea.
Hope everyone is having a peaceful pancreas this morning. best to each of you, k aka twodogs

ty twodog for the valuble info you provided. i also would like to say that ginger tea i recently tried and it does work for nausea this is a great benefit for people that do not have immdediate acess to nausea medication. the only thing is ,it does not last for very long and you need to continuously drink the ginger tea if the nausea lingers.thanks again twodogs for the link.

your friend in the south nanc

Theresa, did it talk about diet coke? I do drink lots of diet coke, I
just love it ! Just wondering about diet pop !



check out this link info on sugary pop and cancer of the pancreas. www.msnbc.com has an article, fizzy drinks and pop. when you get to home page in search bar type in pancreatic cancers tied to fizzy drinks and sugar. its an eye opener, amazing .


I saw Dr,. Oz on Opera, talk about Soda pop. He showed the syrup it turns into inside the body, It looked like thick, but clear motor oil, or kayro syrup. I was told to stop drinking it. from time to time I still have one but I am going to give them up all together. They are as bad as a drug I think. I love coca~cola over crushed ice, it’s the best, and giving it up is like, well, it’s really hard.

lol lol i feel ya on that lol lol soda pop is hmmmm soo good and to be honest it does not get my belly and back going like others such as tea, coffee. this is valuble info we all should know and that it could be a possible killer amongst us.

Hi, guys!

This didn’t post before for some reason (I won’t take it personally!) but sorry if it shows up somewhere else…

I felt I needed to take a poke at blowing this post open with a little reality check. While I’m sure Theresa and maybe others found something saying there was a connection of sweetened/soda drinks and pancreatic cancer although this is so highly unlikely the cause of her husband’s death any more than scrambled eggs or cotton t-shirts leading to pancreatic disease/cancer the truth is that if there were even a probably or slight tested cancer risk associated with any normal/even high consumption levels of sodas/pop/sugary drinks, the FDA would have been all over it, advertising and marking all soft drinks that they can cause cancer. Even more likely, these drinks would have been pulled from the shelves long ago.

While there have been studies that coke syrup as well as ginger, like in real Gingerale, can help with nausea or settling the stomach (especially when the carbonation is out and it’s closer to room temp and un-caffeinated), and coke has been shown to eat through enameled floors if let sit too long (it doesn’t stay in one place in your digestive tract that long and gets excreted for the most part) In either case, enjoy your sodas and worry more about your pain and disease. If your sodas help, enjoy them if they hurt, don’t use them. But don’t fear the Cola’s not the real enemy hear. That would be too easy: stop soda and get your CP to go away or avoid cancer! We all wish!
Just a thought and passing it along!

Hugs and love as always,

Hey lisa ! This makes much more sense, I do have to agree with you. Thanks for poating! Hope you are doing better with the withdrawls. I am so sorry you have soooo much on your plate right now ! Love ya


i do not think that theresa thought that soda pop was the cause of her hubbys demise, nor the cause of his CP. i believe which i could be wrong is that there is strong evidence showing a link, only a link in sugary syrpy drinks and pancreatic cancer. there has been many ppl who have died of pancreatic cancer and never had a day of pancreatitis. i believe this is two different diseases. theresa was just forwarning ppl that there has been a link as in many diseases.there are links. since we suffer from pancreatitis and that in itself brings higher risk with pancreatic cancers.

she was offering her knowlegde that this link could infact compound our suseptiblity in aquiring pancreatic cancers. as far as the FDA. the FDA is now looking into this claim not only for the link with pancreatic cancers but the link in the high numbers of diabetes that is now growing in leaps and bounds. my guess if the claims are found to be true that the FDA will only place warnings on these products like tobacco products have on their packaging. this will leave the risk up to the consumer as to weather or not to use the products. even if they do find this link credible it would take years before the FDA will ever place a warning on the packaging. i will head this warning no doubt since suffering CP raises your suseptibilty to cancer this would increase the odds not in our favor. so ty theresa for the info i did some research on this and for me i will not totally cut out the pop but i surely will cut back and stay within moderation. ill try to like plain water a little more lol lol . thanks again theresa hope you are doing better .

prayers are with you. your friend nancy

Dear Lisa,

Thank you so much for setting things straight. I should have been more rational about it, but it’s just about impossibe for me right now as we still don’t know the real reason for my husband’s pancreatitis. The thought did come across my mind about labels on the soda cans just as they have on cigarette packgages. It is good to know and a relief that sodas had nothing to do with my husband passing to the Other Side.

Love And Blessed Be,

Dear Nancy,

You are so welcome! I went to the first meeting of a new bereavement group today. I would look at both sides of the question. While some foods and drinks may be fine for some people, they are not so for other people. Every person should listen to his/her body and be able to communicate with his/her physician. Each one of us is different.

Love And Blessed Be,

Ohh! Dub, You caught me, LOL ~ I politely demure and admit my fascination with Dr. OZ is really a deep seated desire to go to the Emerald City ~ and in this case, ask the Wizard for a BRAIN ??? giggle I am easily influenced by a good show with visual aids, so sorry. Wish it was charming instead of so foolish. ~smile~

IMHO New Input*** Watched 4 more Dr. Oz episodes, in all he spoke of the High fructose corn syrup, It is a chemically made form of sugar. The body just doesn’t recognize the molecule, and it is stored (as a fat) rather than being digested. Any product containing High fructose corn syrup will do this, not just soda. It causes hardening of the arteries, and a generally lack of flexability in all the vessels of the body. The Omenteum (unsure of spelling) which covers the abdomen like a yellow spider web, swells with the fat storage causing a large abdomen and waist which is a health risk for heart problems in itself. Your body will still crave sugar as it hasn’t had any, and possibly crave it even more. Being a coca~cola drinker I could drink several in a day. I found a real cane sugar soda, and thought I’d give that a try…it’s called JONES’…there is NO WAY you can drink more than one, maybe 2, if your are really feeling wicked. Your body just doesn’t want that much sugar, but you can graze for days on High Fructose Corn Syrup!
Coke use to be made with pure cane sugar, but as with all things with the cost of real sugar going up they went with the chemical instead of real. There is ONE Coke plant left that makes it’s coke with pure cane sugar. I wanna know where it is…
What I think I heard Dr. Oz say was, this was a danger and if you stop your health will get better. The body will function better and a sick body even better.

I understand that Diet soda has the artificial sweeteners that are said to cause cancer in lab rats. I don’t drink them.

Has anyone eaten fresh ginger or dried ginger for nausea? I ate it through out chemo and it worked very nice for the mild nausea or keeping it in check. I kept a bag by me all the time.

Okay, I know I am really putting myself into the middle of this, but… one must really be careful about people with axes to grind or books to sell and triggering hysteria. High fructose corn syrup in ts final form is composed of the monsaccharides glucose and fructose. The general ratio is 55% fructose and 45% glucose. Fructose is an isomer of glucose which means that they have the exact same chemical formula, C6H12O6, and the only difference between the two would be the three-dimensionality of the molecule mainly in the positioning of the radical groups. In addition, fructose is a naturally-occuring molecule most commonly found in fruits (hence the name fructose), honey, and beets. Sucrose on the other hand is a disaccharide and in its natural form is unusable by the body. The body uses sucrase (an enzyme as anything biologically-related that ends in “-ase” is almost assuredly an enzyme) to break down sucrose into its constituent monosaccharides- glucose and (hold onto your seats) fructose!!! I’m not sure what is up with that Dr Oz fellow, but he is totally off-base on this one. (Sorry, River, you are a dear friend, but I have to call shenanigans when I see it.) 99+% of HFCS-related health issues are nothing more than an overconsumption of sugar of any kind and the health risks of any diet high in any form of sugar.

I keep “ginger chews” with me all of the time for nausea. It can take
from 3-4 fo them to settle the nausea and seems to do better than
Zofran because it acts on the nausea NOW. As a matter of fact, my
doctor actually prescribed them for me during my last hospital visit!
Imagine that, a DOCTOR saw me eating these things and asked why I was
eating them when eating at all was so difficult for me. I just told
him what they do for me or anyone with chronic nausea.


Hello All,

Ginger is a widespread ingredient used in many Asian dishes. I use ginger a lot to cure any nausea I have. I eat ginger or make ginger tea. My husband would make it for me when I wasn’t feeling well. I have to admit I also drink ginger ale. Here is another idea to cure nausea, and it works really well. You have to be at honme for this one, though. I call it Jello water, because I don’t wait for the jello to gel. As soon as it cools just enough for you to drink, drink all you can. Of course, jello which has gelled also helps a lot. Jello water really seems to quickly target the nausea.

Love And Blessed Be,

Theresa, have you heard about ginger beer? It is not alcoholic, but it is much more gingery than ginger ale. It almost burns going down just like eating raw ginger or pickled ginger. I prefer it to ginger ale because it has more ginger flavor.