Day 4

Day 4 of this rotten miserable migraine…trying to move (without Scott’s help), take care of my parents, take care of Scott, move, plan Thanksgiving, work, etc…I can’t go on another day with this headache and continue to deal. I am at the end of my rope.

I am so sorry hon. Can you go to a walk in or your doc and get a shot or something and get rid of it once and for all?

THis time of year sucks hon. I am going back in forth on going, I have a monster one too!

I think I’m gonna have to go Bon…only on here does anyone understand that it’s not “just a headache”…

sending you warm hugs and loads of understanding Dragonfly.
My computer has been down and just got back on today.
Wish I could do something for you.
A cool cloth for your head?

My son told me that a man at his work swears about honey-bee venom; a natural homeopathic remedy. He has it sent in from somewhere for his allergies. My son went on line and they speak of it and its ability to rid migraines. However, it states that you need a homeopathic doctor involved or your own physician, in case you should have an allergy to bee venom. I am going to look into it, as like all of you, I can’t deal with the migraines and the debilitation. I would take child birth any day over them.

River-You are so sweet and I am so glad you are back online! Headache is finally gone (for now). And Mariel-Thanks for the info on the bee venom. I have a friend who is very into homeopathics, so I am going to ask her to to check into that for me.