Dealing with anxiety

Can anyone recommend something to take to deal with the anxiety of the day to day life of someone suffering from bo/tmau? I have seen a therapist in the past, and was given Zoloft which gave me side effects. Right now, I am using Kava Kava (herbal for stress), but am considering getting a prescription from a doctor for a tranquilizer. I would like to be numb through this whole thing. I am ready to not feel the hurt that I have felt for so long mentally.

Hi… I recommend that you speak with your doctor and express your emotional depression. He/she will prescribe a depression drug to help take away that stress.

However, you might want to find inner strength. If you believe in God I also recommend that you start building your faith in Him and rely on Him to give you the strength you need on a daily basis.

God will help us get over this.

Hi Betsy8482,

I have tried to keep my faith in God, but it is very hard. I have been praying for relief a long time and my faith in God has wained quite a bit. I know it is said that God will answer your prayers on his time. But I am wondering when that will be. Getting pounded with insults, criticisms, taunting, and remarks by others on a day to day basis has made me put up a wall spiritually. I know it is not God’s fault that I smell bad. I guess it is just not one of the prayers that he will answer for me. Like I said I have been praying a long time. How do you keep your faith so strong in him?

GeePeaGee :frowning:

Hey. I have become weak at times, wanting to quit life but then realize that nothing is worth living for but trusting God. God said without faith it is impossible to please Him, so rather than whining and becoming bitter I rather tell God thanks even when I’m hurting. The fact that God allowed this into my life mean that He has a purpose for it.

This we are not able to see and because of the pain which comes along with this we a prone to wander from having faith in God. God understands our hurts and sometimes it doesnt help to know this because we just want relief but we must remember that whatever path God planned for us is the best thing for us.

I believe it is God’s will for us to get well and If we allow our faith to increase in Him he will reward our faith. There is a part of the bible that saids…the eyes of the Lord runs through out the earth searching for those who put their trust in Him to show Himself unto them. In other words, it is far better to trust God even when we are hurting than to recent Him and still be hurting.

You have nothing to lose trusting God, but everything to lose when you don’t.