Depression with Menopause

When someone is on meds for general depression, how much do the hormonal changes of menopause affect the person? Does it generally make things worse, better, or do things stay the same? How do I help people dealing with these changes?

Wish I could help you. I have a loonngg time to go before menopause. I’m curious to see what people say about this though.

Ok I can give my two cents here, althoguh, it is a painful full admission of my age!!! I am 45, yes I know I dont look it!
But I have been going through perimenopause for about 4 years. Have been on a general depression meds for 17 years, but the hormone thing got real bad about 4 years ago.
yes your emotions change, more intense in all directions happier, sadder, angrier, etc. The symptoms unfortunately for those of us who fight/cope with depression have a very difficult struggle.
I would advise you start taking EXTRA good care of yourself beyond medication.
Here is what really works for me! They are in priority order:

Exercize (the best remedy ever)
As much sleep as possible (also good for your youthful look)
Ginseng Tea for hormone headaches
Good fresh food always (sorry no more supersizing)
herbs, Black Cohosh, calcium, and omega 3/ fish oil
Very little alcohol
And dont ignore your environment, try to surround yourself with positive people, share meaningful but happy conversations, low stress job, simplify your life as much as possible (the hardest one to adjust)

These things really work for me and many I know, tried and true.

Yes we have a hard row to hoe, but we can do it!

Hope this helps a little



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