Dercum's lumps in cheeks?

I am wondering if anyone else has lumps in their cheeks…I have one and it makes me look really round faced but just on one side…Does anyone else have this…Aso I have a rash that is like a line on that cheek…You think the dermotologist would have noticed it when I showed it to him he said nothing and did nothing…or am I being a hypochondriac…

I don’t have lumps on my face. Thank goodness. I think Grandma Sylvia posted about that before. I think she said that she had them in her face.

Elaine, I have some lumps along my jawline that give me jowls, ug! There are also lumos on each side very high on my cheekbones, just under my eyes. I have some strange looking rashes too, but not on my face, thank goodness.


Yup Christine…I am the one with the lumpy face. I I have a big one in my left cheek about the size of a small egg. I also have one starting in my left cheek. They showed up as shadows when I had a cat scan. The cat scan doctor said if he took it out he would have to take nerves and muscle that was infiltrated and that would leave me unable to smile on that side and I would look like I had a stoke.

So, he is just watching it to see how big it gets. I don’t think it is any bigger than it was two months ago. I also have them below my jawline and clustered around my thyroid. I just had a cat scan for another doctor who put me on thyroid medicine and they said I have more lumps around my thyroid and some new ones in the last six months but are not taking my thyroid out at this time. I have one deep in my neck by my esophagus that is big and hurts when I eat. Those in my face and neck hurt everyday.

I was born with chubby cheeks so the DD have a lot of fat to grow in on my cheeks. I don’t know why they are deep inside or why so many grow around our rib cage where there is not so much fat. I understand why our droopy belly (our apron) hanging there is full of DD and my chubby cheeks are full… but why are there even tiny ones in my knuckles when I have hardly any fat on my hands? I think any head pain is worse as it is so close to the brain. I have migraines and my eardrum ruptures a lot…so much so that I am deaf in one ear and have low hearing in the other. I wear a hearing aid but still can not hear well.

Also, the horrible pain from the spine area in my lower back is excruciating and I think that is because it is close to the spine which is full of nerves. Just another Grandma Sylvia theory!! I know my husband is sick of my constant talking about my diseases but I can’t help it. I asked him if he thought I could go a whole day without mentioning my pain and he said the first thing I said today was how much my foot hurt when I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom.

These silent suffers apparently don’t have DD. When it hurts so much to walk, sit, bend, lay down, drive, get dressed, wear a bra or even stand up…how could you not mention it? At least I can complain to you guys and you always understand.

Many Hugs Dear Friends,
Grandma Sylvia

It is nice to be able to complain to others who truly know and understand the pain. I think my husband is sick of hearing about it too, but like you said, it is hard not to talk about it! I am not a silent sufferer!

I’m sorry you have them on your face Sylvia, that is a double whammy. No fair! It is scary that removal would change your expressions. I would have to put that off unless it became unbearable. I feel that way about all surgery, it is dangerous to go to the hospital. Hospital mistakes kill thousands every year. I saw on TV they said that more people are killed by hospital mistakes than are killed by Aids each year in the USA.

I guess I am more afraid than most since I experienced it first hand with my mom (killed by medical mistake after an operation). Oh I am drifting off the topic… and I don’t want to scare anyone, just expressing my feelings about surgery. I think it is a wise decision to not have surgery unless it is really necessary.

Hi Sylvia,

Any place there are fat cells, we can get lumps. That’s explains why some people have lumps all over them, even if they don’t gain any weight with this. My sister is skinny, and I mean SKINNY, but she has quite a few now and they just show up better.


Wise comments as usual Pam and Suri.

I will not get the surgery unless absolutely necessary. I am having a rough fall so far. I have my usual “sprained” ankle again in my right foot. Probably because I am doing PT in the hot water. The therapist evaluated me again today and said like they all do that I can only exercise in the hot water…no land exercises. He recommended that I wear an ankle brace all the time when I try to walk.

I have tried some elastic ones before and they killed me due to my ankle swelling during the day. I agree hospitals are dangerous places. I don’t blame all my problems on DD…just most of them! I know that I also have a lot of degenerative arthritis, bursitis and rheumatism and nerve damage. I get sick of listening to myself complain about my health sometimes!

Thanks for your comments!

Grandma Sylvia

Hi Sylvia,
I’m glad your therapist is getting it right. Dr H says we should all be exercising only in very warm water.
I would think that, if you can find an ankle brace that fits properly, it would help keep the swelling down. If you can’t maybe an ace wrap is the best bet.

Hugs and spoons,

What a great gift-wrap idea! I will most certainly remember that one. You are such a wondeful Grandma! Tel Kennedy Happy Birthday from me.


Thanks Pam…I hope you have a nice Sunday. It is really cold here in Ohio. Tomorrow my wonderful Kennedy Mei Ling turns six so I have been busy today getting her birthday stuff together. Grandpa always gets all the girls flowers. I got a big doll baby care center at Penney’s Outlet Store and I am going to try and wrap it in a plastic tablecloth. They have them is pretty colors now so I got lavender and I found some tablets of their initials so I can put those on the big packages. Hugs, Grandma Sylvia

IT so strange how we have similar problems i went to the orthapeds on thurs morning to get the result of my mri scan on my right ankle as it did not seem to be healing swelling and pain all the time. I have just been fitted with an ankle brace rx from consultant to be fitted straight away from the orpthdontics and wear all the time as my ankle just gives way all the time i suppose i can say i am lucky to have the fortunate side of the NHS on this but not when i try to see if it may be linked to DD as all i got was heard of it but have no knoweledge of it oh well DRS for you. hugs wishes from HELENA