Is anyone on disabilty for the CP? I just lost my job after 9 yrs for missing too much work. I am in the the hospital or home sick at least 2 wks out of the month. It was recommended to me to file for disability. Any advise??
Thanks, Lisa
I am so sorry to hear about you loosing your job of 9 years!!! I too lost my job for to much time missed…I talk to my Family doctor about SS and he said YES do it right away…I sent you an email about where I am in the process of SS denials…Don’t give up it takes forever!!! Good Luck, and have a pain free day or try!!!
Love, Barb (mrs barb)
I am currently in the process of filing for SS disability. It is a
long process 3 to 5 months before you find out if you are approved or
denied. List everything that is wrong especially if you suffer from
depression. It also helps if your doctor is on board and agrees with
you that you need to apply.
Good Luck.
Oh can I relate to that, I am in my 2nd year of fighting them…I have alot of health issues too, just like many here on careplace, depression they say is the key, but I don’t know…I have an atty. working for me, but still no answers I am in my 3rd denial and am not stopping the fight yet…Have a great day, and pain free too.
With Love, Mrs Barb/AKA Barb
I too have had to apply for disability, while I haven’t lost my job yet it is coming in the not so far future. I would also like some advice and maybe some tips to make this easier to get approved.
Good luck, we are pulling for you.
hugs, prayers, and good thoughts,
Hi, I am on disability but I believe I qualified due to a prior cancer diagnosis not necissarily just the pancreatitis (which is my current main problem). When appying for disability I gave them every gorey and gross detail. Including the nausea, vomiting, explosive diarrhea etc… I’m sure you get the picture.
Let me know If you have any questions it can be a nightmare to figure out the system. It can also be stressfull emotionally… admiting defeat . …you can sit and dwell on it or you can do something about it. (I’ve been there and it’s not pretty now I’m just trying to enjoy life as much as possible)
- Patti
Hi Lisa - The system can be overwhelming and it is surprising to me that there are many lawyers advertising to represent people applying for disability. I have had experience in approving people applying for disability; and sadly, had to apply myself. I had no problems, but do have a lot of suggestions that help. I was approved the first time, no problem and am willing to offer my assistance to anyone. Just do not give up, do not give up and copy everything - keep a notebook of everything. When you are approved, they might do a review and having what you have sent them before is helpful. Good luck and you are in my thoughts!! Jamie
I am glad that you are here to help others with their disability
claims as I know that it can be difficult. I got my award also on the
first try. However, I am organized and that helped so much (as well as
being so physically disabled that it was so visual to them).
My one problem with SSI is that, when they tell me about changes to my
compensation, I don’t understand the letters at all! This last month I
was warned of a change in my benefits and, when I got the money, they
actually raised my benefit by $232. Now, I am not going to bank on
that for next month as it is too good to be true. If it comes out the
same next month, then I will believe it. How come they don’t just give
people the amounts of the benefit for the year and then by month. For
example: “Your annual benefit will be $7200.00 AND you will receive
that benefit in monthly payments of $600.00 starting on April 1,
2008.” Why don’t they just state it like that instead of non-monetary
terms? I just don’t get it!
Anyse, I agree with you 100% and being organized I would say is one of the best, if not the very best thing, one can do. After all, they are looking for documentation that shows you are not able to work. But, if they are not there - and the doctor can help a lot with this - I do not know if they would ask for the documentation. I have been reviewed only once - and that was strange. I was sent a letter to meet at a Motel, now a meeting or conference center (supposedly) and after I arrived, the physician told me that he was going to make sure I was not reviewed again because of my condition at that time and improvement was not a possibility. My physician had sent a letter stating that treating the symptoms was really the only option. I have not been reviewed since except to occasionally send them medical information. I think the process itself can be overwhelming and emotionally exhausting. But the result, is that we can continue to survive - Best wishes in all you do, Jamie
WOW, I could use some tips myself! I have been fighting the SS disability for 2+ years with the help of an atty. I hired him 1 year ago and still fighting. I have had a letter from my doctor, and all my medical/phyical/mental records sent to them and still WAITING??? My atty. said that he send a letter to the Admin. Law Judge in March 08 asking for a approval without having to go to court, do you know if this is comon? I am so frustrated with the whole thing! I am getting Long Term disability from my employer, but was informed that this will stop in Aug. 08? I thought LT was to be LT, not dated for ending my LT disability??? Thank you so much for listening and I sure hope to hear from you soon…Please Help.
Lots of Love, Mrs Barb. AKA-Barb
Leaanne, thank you for being so helpful, it just sucks to be in this position, but its all part of it !
Hi to all lots of thanks I can’t say I know a lot about disability I tried to get mass health when I was working just to help with copays meds doctors bills and stuff like that they made me apply for disability and go to see a mass health doctor only to say no to everything now being out of work for 4 mo and being on network health for 4 mo they sent me a review of benefits witch i filled out and sent back. It is kinda funny now this time they want me to apply for disability and most likely go to the same ass of a doctor just so they can say no again I just do not know how to handle this anymore.
Thanks ! I appreciate your response, do they forward paperwork to your Dr.?
Mike, my dr had me call socila security to get the diasability forms,
they said they would send them out with info. Have not sen them yet, it
ahs been a week, where might I obtain the paperwork needed for this ?
Social Security has an online website, where you can fill out
paperwork and start the process. Just understand that it can take 3
to 5 months to receive an answer and most people are turned down the
first time. I am about 3 months into the process for the 2nd time.
Good Luck
P.S. I believe the website is
When they are ready to they will request the info they need from all your doctors and hospitals you have been in. The paperwork can be very daunting but just make sure you include everything, even if you are seeing a therapist for depression. Mental health issues count for alot. They will also have you fill out a packet on how your pain affects your life and another packet on your ADLS (activities of daily living), they want to know things like “Can you dress yourself? or Bathe yourself?” What kind of things can you do as far as house work or cooking. This forms are long, but again be truthful and fill out all the info even if you might be embarrassed because you can not do certain things anymore.
Good Luck,
Your welcome!
Hi Mike:
I read Barb’s post to you in regard to gallbladder surgery and I agree with her that taking the gallbladder out is not necessarily going to rid you of all pain & it may even worsen your symptoms & then… it may be the best thing you ever did. I guess the point is this differs from person to person & I think you do need to get as much info as you possibly can. Also, you might check out the pancreatitis website and/or sphincter of oddi websites on yahoo. There has been a lot going on there lately on the subject of laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
Remember knowledge is power and only then can you draw from this and make your final decision. Good luck in whatever you choose to do!
thank you everyone for all the support and in site i"m grateful to have all you you on my side and i will be on yours be well and take care mike