
I’d like to know if anyone else feels dizzy or has developed what my psychiatrist calls vertigo. I’m really scared that I’ve been with this for over a month and I’d like to know if anyone can relate and how they cope. Any info is very much appreciated. Thanks!

Hello Kim, Kchea12 and Nick,

I just wanted to say hello and I hope you are all doing well. I’m still dizzy and it seems to get worse the more nervous I get. I sometimes feel like I’m going to pass out.
I just recently had a cat scan and I was told everything was normal. I hope you are all feeling better. Kchea12 how’s your dizziness? Good Luck,

Hi how are you doing??? I feel the same way at times, I will wake up in the middle of the night and be dizzy and then I know I will have an attack because it scares me so much. We go through so many different things with anxiety I can’t even remember all the feelings I have had, I think my worst is the fear of dying, or going crazy they rate the same but I just go everyday and thank God for everyone of them that i am here. Well i will say bye for now talk to you soon.

Hi Syl!
I have had virtigo or have virtigo…(they say once you have it you will always have it, just dont know till you have a flare up.) It is an awful feeling! The only thing I found that helped was not laying all the way down but staying propped up, dramamine a must for me! IT makes it even worse when you have anxiety because you dont know if it isthe anxiety or the virtigo sometimes!!! Hang in there it will subside:)

i got dizzy when i first started my medication. after awhile it went away. if it continues then maybe you need to go on a different med. vertigo can also be caused by an inner ear infection. you might want to have that checked out by your doctor. sometimes you have no pain. i hope you figure it out. good luck