Do you have a qustion about cf?

Hello my name is david and I know that there are some people that need answers right away regarding cf I would like to help anyone that may need advice or someone to talk or even if you want to learn about cf. I run a 24 hr cf hotline that cf patients family , teachers, and other people are welcome to call the hotline is open everyday of the year and everythang said on the hotline is kept between me and the caller . I really enjoy helping other s and this is my way of helping as many as i can. The hotline number has 2 numbers they are 1- and 1- . If I do not have a answer I will make sure I get a answer from a dr friend of mine who works with cf as well. Im also a nursing asst and a home health aide . if you would not like to call the hotline but you still want a friend then please add me to your friend list … Hope you all have a great week talk to you all soon and soon cf will stand for cure found

I forgot to add my email its