Do you have strong hunger pangs and or cravings?

I wanted to ask if anyone here has a hunger pang during flares or not that just takes over and you have to eat something and it may be more than a few pangs a day. I’m going thru a phase of just wanting comfort foods, no meats, veggies or salads just cereal or peanut butter toasts…I just feel like I can’t eat those other things that there is no appeal at all. I wonder if DD can affect your hunger responses and food appeal. I’m in a mode/mood tonight that is negatively affecting me making me feel alone and quiet. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Good night all my friends…ladymary

Ladymary, I know depression is part of DD and I do think that cravings can be associated with it. I tired to switch anitdepressants in the past and got a bizzar craving for sweets. I was told that it could have been because of the med switch.

We all need antidepressants…what sane person would not be depressed with the amount of pain we are in? I have comforted myself with carbs all my adult life. Now, I crave sweets because of my insulin. Which came first the chicken or the egg? The depression or the DD? It was the DD! If your body fails you and the those around fail you and life fails you…you still have your food! I must learn sometime that food is not my friend! Hugs, Grandma Sylvia

Hi Bev,

I am not at all sure that it is only depression. I can get funny cravings when the flares come.

I don’t like fatty foods or meat, but can go totally overboard. I think that it is the bodys metabolism gone wrong which send the signals. …and then I get the new lumps and fatty tissue…
Be careful now…try to eat sensibly and count how much You eat. Sometimes I feel that I haven’t eaten for ages, but if I write it down; I’ll see ;)…

I can get depressed of my pain, but that is normal when you are in a difficult life situation. You cannot dedicate it away. Depression for me is when there is no reason to be depressed.

Most of the depression medicines but more weight to DD patients, so it is no way an easy solution.


Hi, just thought I mention that thyroid seems to go with DD, and if your thyroid isn’t at a balance even if your on meds for it it can go up and down, hunger is a part of thyroid, just never feeling full. Big difference when thyroid is working. I have thyroid problems the Doc. says because of immune system attacking it, which in turn I say is dercums.

Thank you for your replys, flare continues today, temps., food impulses but not over eating. Today I feel sick, I’m exhausted and just want to rest which I have been doing. I had cereal today, a go-lean bar and later this afternoon a small cup of chocolate ice cream, a glass of crystal light tea and one coffee this a.m. Today I’m not hungry, again just snacky. I agree Arieldeva that it may be part of DD as I am on and have been on an anti-depressant med. for years…This feels different, more exhaustion than depression. Take care all my friends, ladymary.

Hi again just thought I might add that thyroid also has a sad state of mind if hormone is not replaced, they call it a thyroid stare, you just feel sad and don’t really know why, also making decisions or thinking thru things may become unbalanced , that ability is clouded and you cant understand why because normally you may feel your quite balanced in thought. It is really hard to understand that it is happening to you unless you take close note.

Before a thyroid is destroyed by immune system it sometimes bounces back for a day. You then tend to forget about that till it gets unbalanced again. As many have a thyroid problem a person should have that checked ,and if you are being treated for that make sure your med. is still right measurement, that does change.

But one should also know it is very hard to be diagnosed for thyroid, just know that if TSH are anywhere over 1-4 you have a problem. Doctors will say you must be a 5 before they treat you, but life can be very different for some at 2 to 5 TSH. I don’t know but I’m just glad someone told me or my suffering would even be worse.

Also want to say I appreciate all your chatting. It really keeps me posted on this terrible thing. And know I’m not going crazy, but I do say it scares me to know how bad it can get and only hope I have the strength to do the things I must to keep things at bay. But is that really possible. You know its funny at first you are just appalled at the physical damage “Meaning the appearance” it is doing ,all these bumps. Your mad because you cant look your best in a bathing suite. That’s when I had 2 bumps on my upper leg. Imagine! Well I was only 25 then but now at 46 it scares me of the health issues that are and the ones yet to come. Just know that your chatting is helping ones to be prepared . That is a important!