Does anyone have any ideas for me?

Hello all my pain-understanding-friends.

I'm having some issues here that go beyond my back problems.  Although I know I need to talk with a doctor about this, and I will as soon as we have insurance again (May 1) I was hoping someone might be able to shed some light on what's going on with me.  OK, here's the deal.

I have sometimes excruciating pain in my hands (like all those little bones are broken), my knees feel like they can barely carry my weight,  the bones in my feet also feel like they are broken, my hips get real bad pains too.

Now with my hips, I thought that was maybe related to my back, like sciatica shoots down your  legs or something.  And I have upper back problems too but I don't think this is related anymore.  I've had carpal tunnel "issues" years ago when I typed all day everyday and the pains in my hands don't feel the same. 

Sometimes I wonder if I'm making it up in my head, or it's my depression.  I just don't know.  And I know my current doctor thinks I'm just a drug seeker.  I'm thinking of changing docs except I've been with this guy over 8 years.  He knows me and my husband very well.  He will call things in for me without appointments, he gives me SOOOO many samples to keep my med costs down.... he'll talk to me about my husband and my husband about me...(which we don't mind).  I just don't know what to do anymore.  And I'm so tired of this pain!!!!!

I'm given a certain amount of meds for my back pain, which sometimes does nothing for my other pains unless I take more.... not a lot like I'm trying to get high or anything, but then I run out before I'm supposed to and I end up stretching out my meds so I'm left with only 2o mgs a day rather than the 50mgs I'm supposed to take.  On my bad days it takes 70 - 90 mgs to make the pain know, there but you can still function with it.

Any advice or conditions you think I should look into would be sooo greatly appreciated.... THANKS!!!!

Sounds like “shingles”  Sue which is treatable.  Look it up for mor info an see if you have some of the symtons.  It really sounds like it.  Sorry to hear of your pain…

Thanks, G… I’ll look it up.  My stepmonster had that… don’t you have sores with it?  I’ll look it up though and thanks for the suggestion…  S

hi my friend!!! i personally think you need to go get checked…ya i know from one uninsured to another…i was thinking possibly RA (rhumatiod arthritis…since your joints are swollen and painful…) have you tried an anti-inflamitory (advil or naproxen or something) to see if this helps…i wouldn’t suggest tylenol…i know you are taking vicodin and that has tylenol in it…save your liver a little…kind of sounds like you might have something autoimmune going on…just my thoughts…keep us posted please! 

yo momma,

ha just kidding.  I wish I had vicodin today.  My pain doc wont call in any for me.... bastard.

I'm so tired of this...hurting just sucks.  I was starting to feel better, ya know, with my depression and all but it's hard to feel happy when you hurt so f***ing much.  Anyway, that's the status.  I get insurance May 1st, that is, if hubby turned in the papers on time.  Get this.... he's choosing an hmo rather than the ppo cuz it's cheaper.  I'll write more about it private.



I would seriously talk to your doctor about getting more or different pain meds.  Maybe Tramadol or Methadone - those are given more easily than other narcotics.

I would be honest with him and ask him what he is prepared to do to increase your quality of life and if he can't then he can refer you on to someone who can.

Also - have you tried seeing a Chronic Pain Specialist??


Sue, I know exactly where you’re comin from. I’ve been trying to track down a lot of the same issues. I’ve had upper back problems and recently lower,with that on top of all these kidney issues and my blood pressure staying through the roof all the time I’m up for any relief I can get also. My doc seems to think I can get by on 40mg a day of percocet a day but in all actuality It takes me that much to get out of the bed in the morning. Then like you I try to ration my meds and of course that never happens.I just end up writhing in pain accompanied with withdrawls. I’m trying my butt off to find a good doc too but like you without insurance I can’t get any doctor to touch me around here.I hope for your sake you can find some relief and if I can figure out any way to help I will in a heartbeat. If ya ever need a favor or anything,know that I’ll drop what I’m doing and help you in any way possible good friend. I owe you much. See ya Sue! hugz Mr.Brix

I know you would help me in a New York minute.  I wish I was a witch and could conjer up a never ending supply of percocet for you, vicodin (that's not really what I take but I don't ever remember the name of it... it's just like it w/ less tylenol) for me and  happy happy pills for all our friends.

I wish so much... what' s the point.?


Hey Shell,

I've been seeing my "pain management doctor" for about 3 years now.  I've been on methadone (50 mgs) that entire time.... obviously the idea of tolerance  hasn't crossed his mind.  He is also very clear that he is there to treat my lower back only... the rest of my pain is not his problem.

I don't have ins. till May 1 and on May 2 I'm going to my reg doc to have him check me out again.  He was giving me Norco for the pain everywhere else but only allowing me 2 a day so when I would run out early, he decided to stop giving it to me....

So that's my story...


Again, I have to say that the fentanyl pain patches have been a lifesaver for me.

Before that I had a wonderful pain management doctor for sixteen years until her death.  She also gave me trigger point injections, and stellate ganglion blocks.  They really worked for me, too.  They used an analgesic and cortisone in those.  As I got older and the scoliosis got worse causing me to have the sciatic pain, the doctor who gave me the pain patches does epidurals for the low back and sciatica pain.  Have any of you used that?  Sorry if I'm repeating stuff or if you've already tried these things and said so somewhere else.

I got a laugh out of you saying that you "wished you were a witch" so you could give someone all the percocet they needed.  I am a witch/wiccan, and I can't do that either!  Wished I could.  I can do healing spells though, and they do help.

Blessed Be,
