Does anyone have chronic knee pain & stabbing pains but no bone problems or arthritis?

I suffer from chronic knee pain & stabbing pains in the knees. The stabbing pains typically come when I am walking down the stairs and I have almost fallen because they are so bad. I have had it happen while driving too and had to pull the car over! It feels like someone is stabbing a knife in the side on my knee right beside the knee cap.

My knees also get very stiff and hurt a lot upon standing. It takes a while to “walk out” the stiffness.

The doctor has aleays assumed I have some arthritis in my knees and has had me on anti inflamatories and mild pain pills.

I just, finally, had some x-rays taken after years of complaining about this. I had to get copies to take to my doctors appointment. I opened them to sneek a peek and the report was in there too. It says there is nothing wrong with the bones! “normal” and “unremarkable” were the terms used in the narative.

If it isn’t arthritis or bone spurs or any thing like that, what can it be? Tendons or ligaments I would suppose, but I’m just guessing. Anyone have similar issues?

I to feel the same kind of pain, I have taken a nice fall down the stairs and
broke my tailbone due to my knees, I wear knee support and what a pain, I
wish that someone could tell me as well what this could be, OH I also gets bad
in my ankles as well, I wish you luck in finding out what it is, as I have no
clue to… bless Tina

Xrays are a joke and only initial use for possible dx. You need an MRI to look for meniscus tears, etc. My husband had six surgeries for both knees just for continued tears and extremely bad knee pain. Nothing worked for him, surgery helped for a while then kept retearing. Now years after walking poorly due to knee pain he has SI joint dysfuntion wiht hip problems and now a fracture of the L5 S1 junction.
Don’t let them stop at xrays. Good luck

From: josteama
Date: 2007/06/19 Tue PM 11:21:20 CDT
Subject: [chronicpain] Does anyone have chronic knee pain & stabbing pains but no bone problems or arthritis?

Hello, how are you today? I have sharp stabbing bone pain as well. The pain is so severe that I say my bone marrow hurts. Its not only my knees its my feet at times but always my right foot and my left shoulder, it feels like its not hangging right. If that makes any sense. My pain is from my RSD, Im not sure if you know what that is. Well hope to hear from you soon, I hope you have a good day.


AugieDoggie wrote:

you should ask your doctor to do an MRI it will show much more than a xray. Xrays only show bone and not anything else. MRI shows muscles, nerves,tendons it show everything Doctor almost always do xray before an MRI if he does not bring it up the you ask to have one.
josteama wrote:

I see 3 messages from you all asking me to click a link, but there is no link in any of them except the link to the zone alarm site.
I am posting directly to the site, not through e-mails so I don’t know if it would do any good anyway.

Can someone help me out here please.

josteama, Initially the pain in my knees (which started as a teenager) wasn’t diagnosed or treated correctly. About four years ago I had a great Physical Therapist who got with me with a new Dr. They discovered that it was a very simple patella tracking problem. My other conditions had basically been being used as an oh well you have to expect that dumping ground for my pain. The knees – after a lot of PT and patella support braces are in pretty good shape. I still can’t walk much but it isn’t because of my knees any more and I can kneel on the floor better than I could as a teenager! The patella issue is so simple that when it comes to complicated patients with other medical issue a simple answer gets overlooked. The PT was interesting due to my other problems we had to get rather inventive about how to accomplish some of the exercises, but it was well worth it.

I will be out of the office beginning Monday July 2nd and back in office Thursday July 5th. If you need immediate assistance please email

The rheumotologist has given me some new pain meds & anti-inflamitories. He says if those don’t help we’ll talk about Viscosupplementation since my knees “ratchet” a lot.

Gee, injections in my knees once a week for 3-5 weeks? That does not sound like fun!

i had terrible pain in my knee-went to a specialist who sent me to physical therapy. There they gave me exercises to build up the strength in my quads-i could feel improvement in the first week. as long as i keep them up, the pain is about 90% less- no surgery, shots, or meds!

sometimes finding a good dr is the key to pain relief. i know i have had to go to many before i found one who listened. there are alot of good drs but there are alot of bad ones also. more so the bad ones than the good ones. have u been checked for fibromyalgia? also many autoimmune illnesses cause joint and muscle pain. you dont neccersarily have to have arthritis. also a mri will show more of what is goin on in your knees. ask for one of those if he refuses go to another dr that will. montel williams went to 20 dr before he was diagnosed with MS. i too went to many dr before i got a diagnosis of fibro, pbc, lupus. arthritis etc. there are alot of uncarin drs that practice.

Sounds like to me that you should get another opioion from a specislist with a MRI in hand. Usually the first think they check is medical history and current health problems… If this dr does not send you for basic test for this problem, I believe he could be in trouble if somthing happens to you as a result of this problem…

Ya better start yelling and tell him you are in BIG TIME PAIN.

lorial, I do have fibromyalgia.

The rheumotologist has mentioned tome know about doing the injections to replace the fluid in the knees. My knees also “ratchet” or click a lot. The doctor thinks the fluid replacement will help that and also provide relief with the pain in general.

Anyone had those injections?

I suffer from f/s, cfs, and i have had the worst pain in my knees for so long now,im going to the DR,S on the 6th of next month.I have had exrays, but they see noughthing always…i cant hardley stan or anythang els to that matter…I love this site, its nice to not feel so alone…

I to have chronic knee pain, they did xrays friday,so I have to wait-- My
knee gives away, pain in it, swelling all the time. I just want my knee back, I
am only 39 and the doc says we might have to do replacement… wow-what to do??

yeh con, that will be nice if that is all i need…

yeh con, that will be nice if that is all i need…

yeh con, that will be nice if that is all i need…

hello, i also have the stabing pain and weakness, i was diag,. about 4 years ago with rsd there is pain 24 hrs a aday 7 days a week . there is no cure for it but it can be maintained with pain med to a somewhat better level . wish the best because i hate it . it keeps me from doing stuff with my twin boys who are 9

I completly agree that x-rays do not tell the complete story. You need to get MRI. Suprize that the X-ray report does not said that.

BTW… you have a right to get copies of all medical reports that refer to you.
