Here I go,
I would like to know if there has anyone attractive,single or happily married,with or without kids with tmau?
I would love to know someone with this condition,but peoples usually hide themselves because of the stigma that this disorder causes.
I heard another day that only unattractive,poor and dark peoples that can have tmau,is it true?
I am white,29 female and good looking!I would love to hear from you guys.
Hi, yes good looking people can also have TMAU. I’m considered good looking and I’m 16 still a teenager that’s why this has taken a huge toll on me. I do not have a boyfriend currently as my social anxiety is so bad I start sweating and the odor intensifies so I just avoid social situations now.
I’m based in the UK if you ever want to meet!
Hi tmausuffer30, just checking in with you and hoping you are doing well. this condition does affect anyone no matter what your appearance is, your skin color, height, weight, financial status. It’s kinda like asking if only unattractive poor and dark people have strokes and heart attacks. Hope you have educated yourself a little more to avoid putting an undue stigma on certain people. But if you are dealing with the symptoms we talk about on this forum, I hope you have been able to find something that helps you so you can also endure what’s going on with you. Please don’t allow false information or prejudice remarks ruin your heart, You may be the one who says something to enlighten and help others. Know that God loves you and wants us to not only believe he helps us but if at all possible be peaceful and kind to everyone. Sometimes the mirror you look into may give a different perception of what others really see. Let your heart be trained to guide you in what’s also good for others. like speaking on this forum. You don’t have to love everyone but it is truly good to have empathy for others. Hope you are living well in 2023 so much is happening we need to find hope and show kindness to whomever when we can while we can.
I don’t of any good looking people with bad body odor. TMAU and Bromhidrosis are often gentical diseases imo, and come with other genetical diseases. I assume to have Agromegaly, Marfan Syndrom, a light version of PCOS and Morbus Basedown. I never could find any doctor who takes me serious and tried to help me. I was bullyied since kimdergarten for being poor and ugly (hermaprhoditlooking) and in puberty it got worse. They called me lesbian, ugly, I should wash me with soap not shit and so on. I never had any friends or partners and now I am near 30 only get income from taxpayers money. I can’t anymore. I wish I could die painless soon. I tried to get help but the social worker who was thrown at me was a bully from the past and she didn’t helped me. Another doctor I visited also was zero empathetic, she reduced everything to mental illness. I am since years very lonely, alone with everything and sad. The good in my life is only that I didn’t breeded children into this situation. I don’t want that they suffer like me. My parents never helped me either.