Dyslexia Member Introductions


I am a military wife and mother to three wonderful children. The eldest is an “under-achieving” gifted child who was held back in 1st grade in Atlanta only due to her writing skills. I had just given birth to a very sick child and did not have the strength to fight the system. I did force them to test her and she came out with an IQ of 138. They still held her back. No summer school suggested. I paid hundreds of dollars for a writing summer course and they said that she was on target. Still, she did 1st grade twice and I feel as though I failed her.

Her brother, born that year, has Down. He is high functioning and doing very well. I DO plan to retain him in K, even though the school in Maryland does not think that is necessary. His fine motor skills are very delayed and he tests about age 3.5yrs. He is 6 and small for his age.

During all of this learning, my lovely middle child, 3rd grade, has not made the progress in reading/spelling that she should. Her comprehension tests grade 7. Her math is grade 5. The school has suggested Global LD. The school psychologist said she is classic for Dyslexic spectrum. I have taken her to the pediatrician and asked for referrals for psych. and neurology to rule out any other underlying problems that may show up.

I home schooled all of my children until March of last year when the eldest children asked if they could go try it out. Their brother was going to return to a feeding clinic and the girls did NOT want to homeschool at the hospital again, as they had to the year previous for 4 months. It was rough but they did well. All 3 children are now going to be behind in school by one grade level per their ages due to changes in our curriculum, etc.

I need to know that I am doing all that I am able to for my middle child, who is more than likely dyslexic. I am bothered a bit by her SB5 test and her IQ score since there was a 20 point difference between the verbal and nonverbal scores. She is average intelligence according to the test and that may be correct. But I wonder how correct it could be with the huge differences in scores. Also, she seems to be very high on comprehension (7th grade) and in math (5th grade). If she has a LD, how do we get an accurate score?

My concern is that her current score and an LD label will follow her throughout her school year and it COULD effect how much is expected from her. I also worry that with all of the different learning styles that I stay on top of all 3 kids and their needs and am feeling a bit overwhelmed at this point.

Thank you for letting me talk.


Hi Kiersten,

It will be an uphill battle for you and your dyslexic child through their school years. My son was misdiagnosed in 1st grade (ADD), in 4th grade we retested and found out he was dyslexic. When he was diagnosed I thought the battle was over. WRONG. Every day I have to guide my child with his school work and every other day I have to fight for my child. (teacher troubles). And we’re are at a really good school. Most of the teachers are trying to help him. I don’t want to stress you out more but you will have to fight for your children in todays school system. Unless you have the money to sent them to a private dyslexic school.
Your daughter with the IQ of 138 she is gifted, but it sounds like she is dyslexic in written expression. It is better for your children to know they are dyslexic that to think they are stupid. Dyslexics are very creative people. Albert Einstien was dyslexic.
You need to get an IEP (individual education plan) for them. It will help them out in high school and college when it comes to taking tests and turning in reports. The school should do testing if they won’t have testing done yourself. I had my son tested at Wayne State University, they have a special psychology program. Check universities in your area or if you have a school for dyslexics check with them to see who they use. My son is in 7th grade, I have been working hard for 4 yrs to improve his school experiences. Good Luck. If you need anymore info feel free to email me conoriain@comcast.net. Dyslexic kids are really smart they just learn differently.


-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: kiersten5560 dyslexia-cpt2249@lists.careplace.com

didn’t really get tested for dyslexia untill year 11. I was slow when I was little at learning to read and write and stuff but my mum helped me and she didn’t know it was dyslexia…just thought it was one of those things! Then when I started learning French in year 7 I really struggled, way more than other people seemed to and my mum thought it was really wierd so she took me to a language speciallist to get extra help. Coz the class was so big I was finding it hard to keep up! The woman suspectted I had dyslexia but said it cost a lot of money to have the officiall test so my mum said I could suvive without it! So I did kinda, coz she’s a teacher and she’d help me a lot with my homework and stuff. Had to change schools at end of year 8 coz they were too high standard at the academic stuff and all I wanted to do was music coz that was what I was good at!
Then in year 11 my english teacher said there was a test the school did for dyslexia which was free and she said she thought I had it and I’d really need the extra time for GCSE exams so I took it!!! Then went to music college and the dyslexia woman said the collgege would pay for the assessment coz my other one was outta date.
The good thing is now my mum knows more about dyslexia she can help the boys she teaches history a lot more now if their dyslexic so it’s good I guess!

Hi, my name is Elaine, I live on Long Island, in NY, and I have 2 gifted children with Dyslexia, and 1 depressed husband with it.

My daughters are 9 and 19. My 19 year old recently did the Davis Dsylexia Correction Program, and it did wonders for her, so much so that - I am taking the Davis Workshop in Israel, July 14-17th of this year. I knew the program worked wonders, because she called me and told me that - she was reading Harry Potter, while travelling on a train, seated backwards, and talking at the same time. AMAZING!

I am so excited to begin to launch a career in helping those that live in a gifted, but lonely world (as they alone undersand their means to appreciate).

I’m looking for others who want to jump on the band wagon with me. I feel as a Dyslexic person, you would be able to teach others’ through the symbiotic way that you too would understand the fourth dimension, or the middle eye. If anybody is interested, email me back.
I am leaving earlier, and I know it’s a far plane ride, but the people involved in this first workshop, are wonderful…

Hi everyone! My name is Elaine and I have 2 Dyslexic daughters (9 and 19 years old) and my husband. We have tried so many different programs, and we finally got to the Davis Dyslexia Program, and it's amazing!

 My 19 year old did the program in Israel, and her facilitator, Judith, was a Godsend! She called me one day and said, "Hi mom, I'm riding in a train, travelling backwards, reading Harry Potter, and I understand it,... I really don't need to reread any words, I just get it now!"

WOW I am so impressed that I am going to Israel to take a workshop that Judith is doing, with another presenter from Germany, on July 14-17th (in English), on the Davis Dyslexia Fundamentals. I am a parent and want to help other Dyslexic people (of course my family first) reach their true Gifted Potential. I am so happy to have found Judith and the Davis Dyslexia Progam. If anybody wants to join the workshop, I am sure that it will be amazing for parents, teachers, or even anybody that wants to make a career change. I am looking at it as though it's a change of life for me. After years of my bright family members struggling, they can be independent, and break free of the barriers that Dyslexics seem to have... You can email me MeaganTGF@aol.com.

Thank you for this place to share with you...



hey I’m new and I’m allready loving careplace! great site well done guys :slight_smile:

oh no!! How come you’ve left that forum? I haven’t been on for a while coz it was all gettin a bit confusin and there were so many new posts! Maybe I should start again.

Well, I am hardly here but I seem to have trouble finding things. I received an email that said you replied, I clicked the link, and then I signed in and for the life of me I cannot seem to keep track of where, who, when, etc. on here. If you have any advice in where I am going wrong, I would appreciate it. I don’t get here often but would like to know how to find a response! LOL. thanks

hi there, i work with the careplace team. i think careplace is awesome. i hope it will really help people to share, support eachother and learn. we can all use support and understanding and it is so important for all of us who have experienced difficulties to have a safe and informative forum in which to do so. thanks for visiting - it is really rewarding for all of us to see people reaching out to eachother - it is what careplace is all about.