Eastern shore of md

any pos guys out there ? could use a buddy to dialog with. I am sorting thru some issues and could use someone to bounce ideas and situations off of. Chat ,coffee,anything,feeling kind of lonely here on the shore.

Hey there ,

No need to feel loney. There are lots of people to talk to . And as long as thats all your looking for , I’ll gladly chit chat with you . I’m from the Jersey shore and I love meeting folks from all over. And I’ve been positive for almost 20 years now. But I’ll tell you more as we write and get to know each other . River

I know what you mean. Being pos can become rather isolating.
Never worry though. There are plenty of us out here in the same situation who would also love somebody to talk to.
Forums like this can be a great place to share coping skills, advice, vent frustrations or even find a shoulder to cry on.
No need to go through this experience alone. Not anymore.