I am 22 in a very serious commited relationship, we want to get married but he wants to wait till my health is better and we desperatley want kids. I have severe deep tissue endo i have had surgries,birth control, lupron tried alternative health nothing has worked I am in constant pain. I have been told by 4 ob/gyn’s that my next step is hysterectomy. I was wondering if I should go to an infertility specialist ttc and then get a hysterectomy. I want children of my own yet I can’t keep living in all of this pain. I heard that getting pregnant will relieve the endo for a while. I have also had 2 ectopic and 4 misscarriages. I feel that I am not a normal woman who can wait for 10 years to have a family. I feel sooner is better for myself and my boyfriend. Is there any advice that someone can give me please?
Oh sweetie we sound all to much the same. I am so sorry. I am blessed to have dd who is 2 and I am still unsure how that happend. I am desperate for one more. I did another 2 rounds of clomid with IUI’s in April and May. May I took a hpt and a slight line was there. I was SO excited. Went in and nurse confirmed a pregnancy. But said my hcg levels were low and to come back in 2 days. Came back had blood work. When I came home I was spotting. I called in and she said I was MCing. I was like WHAT!! My levels came back and they had lowered. So it was barely a pregnancy. So with that I had another lap 4 weeks ago. That resulted in Stage 4 endo (I had one in Jan and I was at stage 2). It had spread everywhere. Colon, Bowel, Intestines and Bladder. So my options are IVF (For $13,000 to pay upfront. I have 2 mortgages) or a hysto. While I decide I get to be on lupron that I hate with a passion. Max is 3 months since I have been on before. How does one decide the
decions we have to face? It is so unfair. Each day my pain get’s worse. I am on 2 pain meds. Vicodin during the day and Percoset at night. I wake up crappy and in so much pain. It is terrible.
So I feel your pain. I think if you can you should get in to see a infertility speac. Do you have good insurance? Sometimes they help cover things. DH is like your boyfriend. I think men are more causious. He just wants my health better. And if that means a hysto then so be it. I just can not see it in that way. It is not a good option for me.
Well again I am so so so sorry you are going through this. I feel your pain and frusteration.
Thinking of you
P.S. My spell check does not want to work so sorry if there are oops’s
I am in very much the same place. I have been married for 3 1/2 years, I’m 25 and had decided I wanted to wait a few more years before kids…but…endo changed that. We just decided this weekend to go ahead and start trying in Feb. I do want it but I just am not happy that I am being “forced” to make this decision now. I want to be a good wife and my DH desperatly wants kids so I know that waiting is not a good idea for me. I just feel lost. I am terrified of more pain and the HRT sound horrible and since I already deal with depression issues that scares me even more. I am so lost; I am the only person I know with endo and the only person who is married and now is looking at having kids. Life has just taken such a 180 in the past month (oh a did I mention I am cramping today!!!)
I vote for going to see an infertility specialist, definitely. You might not always have the boyfriend but you’ll always have your child. Sorry that’s a cynical way to look at it, but it’s my way of saying that if you want a child, go for it no matter if you’re married or not! I am sorry that nothing has worked for you so far. I hope that everything works out for you.