well, after the sphincterotomies and several more ERCP’s and the Biopsies and several more bouts of pancreatitis, 5 hospitals stays since July, it’s a matter of day to day, at very least trying to figure out what I can eat, and hopefully digest without a handful of enzymes… Geesh!!!
UGH!!! here we go again… since July, (well, april if ya count the other procedures) anyway, it’s gettin Old…
one a month… thats all we ask… LOL!! Ok, that was just silly, BUT, I find laughing takes the edge off the anxiety…
so, Monday the 3rd I see the Doc for the pre surgery appt, and then the following Monday Dec 10th I do it again…
HOPEFULLY, this time will be an in and out… I’m scheduled for 7am, first case of his day… in some ways I like that… he’s all fresh and caffeinated and awake… BUT, on the other side… he knows his schedule is full and I surmise he wants to be done in time for lunch… or an early day off… so, he might rush…
see how warped my brain is…
this time it’s the endoscopic ultrasound with biopsies… I dont think it’s another ERCP but I dont know yet… we shall see…
IF my pancreas doesnt have any issues being poked and probed so as to cause an active bout of pancreatitis… then I can go home the same day…
otherwise… I get a room for the night (or 2) at UCSF…
PLEASE keep the good energy flowing… I HATE to stay in the hospital…
Now, to remind myself… JUST BREATHE!!! FOCUS!!! JUST BREATHE!!!