Enlarged pancreas please help

To the point a very close friend has an enlarged pancreas pushing againist her liver. A week ago after an MRI when the enlargment was discovered she was told if it did not go down and the cyst did not go away she had 2 to 3 weeks to live. We have waited a week done a second MRI and its still enlarged. An infection has ran it course, her blood work is good and other then the pain she feels normal. We want to get her more help they want her to wait another week and do another MRI but she does not have the value of time. I’m looking for adivice, help, the name of a good Dr anything or direction we may go.

Thank you for anything,


where are you located currently? I would suggest anyone gets a second opinion when given that type of information. What do they say is going to be the reason she will die, the liver or the pancreas?


We are in the Orlando Fl area and they said the cyst is eating away at her pancreas that is what will kill her. The family is not happy with her treatment and I agree we need a second opinion.

Thanks Amanda’


My doctor was in a pancreatic disease fellowship before coming to Nebraska and the University of Florida-Gainesville. I have sent him an email for names of facilities or doctors that would be good to go to for referrals. I assume that there must be another staff/faculty member at Gainesville that specializes in Pancreatic problems but I don’t know where Gainesville is in relation to Orlando.

I’ll let you know when I hear back from him with information.


The names of the doctors at the University of Florida-Gainesville are: Dr. Peter Draganov, Dr. Chris Forsmark, and Dr. Dennis Collins.

That is all the information I got from my doctor. Best of luck and let us all know what happens!


I went to The Medical Center in Houston and they removed my cyst and gallbladder. It was on the outside of the pancreas.

Had to wait about 3 weeks so it would mature and not break open in surgery. The surgeon was just great.

I agree with the others~get another opinion ASAP! I would contact Amanda’s suggestion in Gainesville considering that is so close to Orlando!! Please encourage your friend to get in there soon. No need to wait for tradgy to strike. I will pray for your friend. Keep us posted.


Thank you all for responding so quickly and with such great info. She came home today and is resting well. Her numbers are good and will go next week for another MRI. It sounds alot like Shellie’s situation. She is waiting for the cyst to mature so it can be removed. I have been fussing about the whole 2 to 3 weeks to live statement if it was not true but my mom says maybe the way she was at her worst was a death sentence if it continued but she has gotten better. I will keep intouch,
