Epstein BArr

Are antivirals effective against epstein Barr and Chronic Fatique syndrome


You are posting on the chronic pain board. You might get better/more responces if you try the Epstein Barr board or the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome board (both here at careplace).

To answer your question, to the best of my knowledge the answer is no, antivirals are not effective.

Dear Pepper1,
I believe antivirals are effective against Epstein Barr Virus. I had this virus and was UNTREATED. I ended up getting Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue Synd. this happened within weeks of this post virus; which is a contributing factor for Fibromyalgia. My rheumatologist and internist (primary), and Immunologist stated I should had been placed on them. If I had, I may had not (?) headed into Fibromyalgia. IT’s too late now. I was lucky to even get any pain from the stupid doctor I saw then. By the time I saw him, the lesions were healed, but the pain was still there, and I was exhausted. He wanted me to see a shrink! I told him where he could go, and switched to back to my primary MD. I disagree with the other writer here. The pain & exhaustion of Chronic Fatigue & Fibromyalgia belong here in the chronic pain board. The pain of the virus was so bad, I could NOT lie on the left side of my face at all during the night. With the way virusus are getting now, I think I would demand antivirals. They are getting pretty nasty. It may have not prevented me from fibro. but I would have been willing to take them. Now, I have this disorder. Viruses are causing many illness after they go. Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue is from the brain shooting pain impulses to different body areas inappropriately; so it is a pain disorder usually at some point for most. I am an old nurse of 20+ years, and have this disease. I have worked in pain management, and detox. To those of you having really nasty viruses, and being + for Epsein Barr etc. Ask, demand antivirals; it’s worth a shot, learn from my experience, since I did not get treated with them!

I will be out of the office beginning Monday July 2nd and back in office Thursday July 5th. If you need immediate assistance please email austin@iso.com.