EUS or ERCP cost?

 OK, I have no insurance, and am rapidly racking up the med bills. I want to quit messing around and wasting money and demand a definitive test be done.  I am losing like 4 lbs a week and don't have time to waste. Do any of you know or have a way of looking up on paperwork, the cost of either the EUS or ERCP? I just wasted alot of money on an abdominal ultrasound that I knew was not likely to show any pancreatic damage, but the Dr. argued "oh yes it would show if anything was wrong".

 What is your advice, EUS or ERCP - are they both just as definitive? Both roughly same cost? and if so: How much did yours cost?

Thank you so much! I am finding that if I am to get any help I have to acquire the knowledge myself and not depend on the Dr.s to actually know anything themselves. :p 

(((HUG))) ~ Shacoya 

hello shacova.

                i had both done as im told the eus is more definiative its able to see the smallest change in the pancreas yet the ercp is better for the bile ducts so depending on what they are searching for would be the better to use. the eus was the most costly according to the insurance statement it cost $4300 and the ercp cost $2400. thats here in south carolina. im sure the costs are inflated when you have insurance maybe the cost is lower when you do not have insuranec. hope this helps i do kno that every state has a differant set of costs for the same procedures hopefully you live in one that is cheaper. good luck to and hope you feel better soon.


        wanted to add that in early pancreatitis there may be no change in the pancreas. as with me my doc told me that  it may take upto 5 yrs to see actual changes to the pancreas and after many bouts of ap. i kno this is stressful not knowing but unfortunately thats all we have is time to wait . if you believe that you have been battleing this condition for some time then maybe you will show changes to ur pancreas and you will not be left wiith high costs and no sure diagnosis. nothing worse then paying all that money to be told we dont know yet . as with myself i only stated this journey 1 yr ago and i do believe i have chronic pancreatitis since i have pain every day yet the doc thinks so also but he thinks its ap acute pancreatitis which is pancreatitis that is serious but after ech bout your pancreas returns to normal. its after many bouts of this that actually the pancreas changes and then is called CP, due to the change in the pancreas.

                                        hope this helps


  One other thing to mention is that ERCPs tend to be a little more invasive and have been known to cause pancreatitis.  This generally happens in those who did not already have it, but it is something to keep in mind.  EUS is supposed to be the diagnostic tool of choice.

 Thank you all for your replys! Even though those figures were from a different state it gives me some idea of cost we're looking at. For all I knew those tests ran up to 10,000.

 Ok, well I guess the test I need is EUS. I have to wait until Monday to check on the appt. with a new GI. But my whole family is now involved and intending to demand a definitive test NOW and pain relief NOW and not be put off for another month.  If I have to they will take me to a hospital. It's all a long story but I am now down to 88 lbs. and cannot afford for them to mess around anymore. Even on double enzymes and antacid etc. I am just not able to eat enough or high calorie enough to sustain my weight level.

 Thank you for your support,

(((HUG)))  ~ Shacoya