Hi there,
First, I want to thank all of you who share so much helpful info. It is wonderful to hear all your experiences and tips.
I have a question, have any of you been on bile acid? Actigall or Ursodiol?
I had another ERCP about a month ago, and they found stones in my pancreas, this coming a few weeks after a two and a half week stay in the hospital with a cyst in my pancreas that caused all kinds of nastiness.
So, my doctor has given me a script for this bile acid, and my main concern, of course, is getting sicker from it, as the side effects are mostly digestion related. The info I have read on the internet about it says that it is used primarily to dissolve gallstones, and I no longer have my gallbladder.
So, if you have had any experience with this, I would appreciate the help. Thanks again, and I hope for healthy, pain free days for all of you.
Take Care.