Feeling alone?

Keeping my depression within controlable limits and my attitude healthy is challenged by people who do not or will not be understanding of my illness. I am extremely frustrated with them as I have been ill since February of 1999, although I am extremely functional now. I would like to take a vacation to escape the reality of their ignorance and feel I would benefit from being in an environment where nobody knows of my illness. Can anyone understand my situation?

ajer … lol thank you, I sure was going about things the hard way.

oh lonely ((((hugs)))) … yeah i know how you feel… I actually wrote about that in my journal yesterday as I was crying and upset over others lack of understanding and what they say esp family and friends!!! http://cfs.careplace.com/blog/714 (Monday Jan 8th’s entry)

Ive actually almost screamed at people at times (a government dept. peoples)… almost completely loosing it as they placed to much pressure on me with their expectations of me, wanting me to do things I just can not do cause of the CFS.

Others and their misconceptions along with expectations of us… make this illness so so much harder than it should be.

I avoid many people due to all this… even family members. Ive got enough to deal with without trying to deal with them too. If possible… avoid those who upset you. Ive found that the best, we dont need extra stress. You probably already do that.