Feeling very lost

my doctor has just told me he is pretty sure i have bi polar and took me of anti depressants and put me on tegretol retard which i must say leaving one medication and going onto this is making me feel weird like no coordination and dizzy.
but my biggest problem is getting support my mum and brother both think i need a second opinion as they have known me the longest and never noticed anything wrong. taking in account my brother has never seen me regular for over 20 years only the odd occasion.
that i can just about cope with but my partner seems more concerned about herself than me .i can accept she needs support aswell but she turns to workmates instead of the phone numbers of professionals to help her understand.
so i’m left feeling so alone in all this.

Hello, im new! I was given depakote and it not great. I know what you mean re confusion over diagnosis, i half feel releif and half want to run away and bury my head. My partner tries to support me, but he is often angry/frustrated with me. I get confused over who’s fault it is or who is right or wrong… its easy to take all the blame for every aguement, when its not nec the case.

I feel alone and lost, not happy you do too, but at least we can talk things out on this forum if not with our loved ones. Give her the info you want her to read. Get her involved. Make it something thats happening to you both, not just you. Its not easy, but if the relationship’s worthy, it’l work out, and she will begin to understand a little more what goes on in your head.

Let me know about you medication.With time the dizziness should wear off, leaving a calmer feeling. Ofcourse it’ll come with side effects (like relationships…lol)but hey!

Hope all gets better?

Hi Shauni,
I’ve never talked to you before, but I am bipolar. From my prospective, you have no reason to apologize. LIving with us bipolars is no easy picnic, esp. when we are going back and forth on meds. (you should see it from my side lol!)But is what you can do, is help yourself! meaning, go to the Library and find out exactly what bipolar is, how it affects family members, and how to deal with your mate. Even though Alanon is for people living with alcoholics, the program works real well for you that live with someone either with or without a diagnosis. Also in some states/countries there are other groups that help family members live with those that are Dual Diagnosed, meaning alcohol and drugs, plus a mental illness. Also EA, Emotions Anonymous works really well.(the best one!)
Be concerned about yourself, but don’t set on the “pity pot.” See what you can do to help yourself understand, as you need to take care of yourself too(don’t allow their mental illness to take over your life so you have none left), and that in turn will help your mate, when they see you’re understanding, and then you will be able to support them as.
Understanding something comes from knowledge! Knowledge in turn gives you wisdom and compassion.
When you are getting caught up with insecurities because they go to someone else to talk to, then you are giving that person power over you! Your insecurities are “controlling you” instead of you “controlling it.” Once you learn about bipolar, and feel comfortable with what you know, you will be more confident within yourself, there fore strong enough to deal with their upheavals.! I learned this in Nara-non when my husband was still using, and we have been married for 21 years, easy? NO, but worth it? YES! Love conquers ALL!

Hi some of you, (lol) to whom it applies:
I know all too well about the medication thing. I have just gone through 3 months of constant manic/depression, with no let up.
I’m a rapid cycler and the cycling is worse then the depression, however they both are equally BAD!
Then I have the RLS and that will keep me up later than the mania or the depression. Actually the depression makes me just want to sleep!
Any way right now, I’ve just been switched from Lithium to Risperdal and Visteral, which both gives me restless legs, so I’m still awake, However right now, I’m starting to sleep again. I actually found an old Rx for restless legs, which I think is Tegretol, but not sure, as I can’t pronounce the word. But sleeping much better, and a lot more relaxed. My counselor was quite pleased on Tuesday. She said that was the most relaxed she’d ever seen me! Hopefully it continues to work for me. I’m very tired of this medication yoyo!!!
Well, I hope some of these posts helps. Remember, it all is just my opinion and could mean absolutely nothing! lol