Fibromyalgia and Depression

I was just wondering if there are other people out there that are dealing with depression and fibromyalgia… How do you cope day to day? Sometimes I escape by not leaving my house. not answering the phone, or crying. I know by experience and I have heard that the two illnesses work hand in hand. which is even more depressing which in turn causes more pain. Has anyone have any ideas?


I personally think the reason why they often go hand and hand is cause its just so hard to deal day to day with constant bad pain with often no relief in sight… no wonder many FM people go and get depressed. Others tend to not believe the amount of pain one is in either so support often is lacking and that wouldnt help too.

do you or can you make yourself exercise?? exercise can help FM some so is important… and exercise can also help depression a little too (if one can bring oneself to do it).

louie… Ive found that there are many FM support groups about the place but as they aint well advertised about them, they can be hard to find.

If you do a search for groups in your area (online and phone book and maybe even try asking at a major hospital) and still cant find one. I know over where I are, our arthritis foundation gives out info on the FM groups… so maybe even try asking somewhere like that… or try asking CFS or ME groups about where the FM groups are.

My own states (Sth Australia) FM group has very interesting lectures on FM each month given by specialists… eg FM and excercise, FM and dealing with pain management, FM and physiotherapy, FM and the differences with CFS etc

Hi Lou if your looking for a support group on line I can help.
But if you want to join a support group and go personally to meetings I guess you should tania’s instructions . That would be my guess.

I don’t have FM but do suffer chronic pain. I’ve wanted to join a real life support group to be with other people who truly understand. Friends and family seem to think it’s not as bad as I make it out to be or that I’m trying to get out of doing things. I asked my doctor and he told me that there are none due to the fact that people could potentially trade medications. Hey, I’ll give you 3 methadones for 5 vidodins…yeah, oK.

Yoga and Tai Chi are excellent gentle forms of exercise for Fibromyalgia. Another very important and overlooked help is a very consistent sleep schedule. If it is difficult to fall asleep, try melatonin, and if it is difficult to stay asleep, use one that is extended release.

The problem with Fibro is that what helps one person does nothing or aggravates another. It’s hard to say what would help. The person themself has to really listen to there own bodies. Example massage for many helps tremendously for a while but for me I love it but after no more than two sessions of only touch massages I am 100% in a flare. Sleep for sure is a must with us and hsrd to get. We often don’t go into the propper levels of restorative and healing sleep. This brings on pain and that in turn can disrupt more sleep. Quite a cycle.

“I’ve wanted to join a real life support group to be with other people who truly understand. Friends and family seem to think it’s not as bad as I make it out to be or that I’m trying to get out of doing things. I asked my doctor and he told me that there are none due to the fact that people could potentially trade medications.”

Sue, Im shocked he told you that.

Maybe those here suffering from pain or FM should ask the ones running this site if an online FM group… or “chronic pain” web support group… can be started on this site.

What kind of doctor would say such a thing!!!
They could trade meds at a corner too…duh!!!
What kind of a cop out is that.

They don’t believe in it most of the time because unlike some other medical conditions you often look "OK"
So they can’t see it and your female so obviously you just want some drugs. Real empathy.
I just emailed a man in a FM support group who just got out of the hospital after a failed attempt at electrocuting himself. WHY? because he’s been in pain for over 22 yrs…lost his ability to work lost his friends because he could’nt keep up and his wife could’nt handle it and what little family and he has no other family.
This man is lonely he needs to meet and touch and talk and vent to people who care and empathize.
He doesn’t need someone to switch drugs with.

How can someone make a judgement call like that

“Maybe those here suffering from pain or FM should ask the ones running this site if an online FM group… or “chronic pain” web support group… can be started on this site.”

silly me… I just saw there is a chronic pain group here… (unless its only just been added).

“Maybe those here suffering from pain or FM should ask the ones running this site if an online FM group… or “chronic pain” web support group… can be started on this site.”

silly me… I just saw there is a chronic pain group here… (unless its only just been added).

My own case seems to dismiss the bad sleep causing FM, I used to sleep very well, easy and deep before I got FM. Of course then once I got the FM bad, I wasnt able to sleep well at all due to the pain the FM caused.

But then in my case… I got the FM cause of CFS and if I havent got CFS, I wouldnt have got FM. (The FM with me, flares in always with bad CFS flares or relapses)


I just wanted to share my info, so its in my profile or where you can find it, not sure if I did it ok…lots of brain-fog today.

I tried to lie down and rest but came to check my email and here I am, again.