anybody out there? it seems that there are no new posting since last year or am i missing something?
KM~ surfs up!! there u go! time heals all!!
I’m here, KM, I’m missing everyone… I’ve been out of state before I start back on my tx. I get my meds on the 15th if all stays as planned.
I am sending everyone big hugs and good vibes, YOU TOO KM ~
thanks. my fingers are crossed too!
glad to hear you’re going on the attack again. BEAT IT GOOD THIS TIME!!
i hope all that works out for you. stay busy and do something, sounds good to me. i wish i could get off my ass more and do that. i did get back in the water. feels great but exhausts me now. i need to be patient and give myself more time to come back normal.
take care. stay in touch.
Hey Guys! This is the first that I’ve actually been able to get to this forum! Usually I get sent right back to home…do not pass go…no $200 either! I just finished 44 weeks…only 4 to go! =)
good to hear from you again!!
yeah, it’s not as smooth as CP but give it some time, i’m sure they’ll work out the bugs. here’s a no nonsense HCV site i learned a lot from;
fantastic!! i hope you’re fairing well through tx. 44 weeks, girl you are brave and strong. hang on. it’s obviously working so that’s great.
i finsihed 24 weeks of tx about 5 months ago. i was UD at week 2, fingers crossed for SVR. the side effects kicked my arse petty good but they are slowly fading. i still fatigue quite easily and my brain is not what it used to be BUT the tx worked it’s toxic magic. i go for my first post tx blood work next week.
take care.
Hello everyone! this site was under transition everytime I tried to log on! I am glad to have it up n running! everyone on tx n post tx HaNG in there! KM~ glad to hear you cleared I pray that your next bllod draw will be the same! Happy dance for you! I will be doing a new tx in one yr! interferon/inhibitor! RIVER~ good luck with tx, it will be so worth it at the end! Hi Bird lady~!!only 4 shots left WOOHOO!! I am post tx 4yrs, I was a non-responder. and am left with sides that are annoying but tolerable, I am alive! alot of depression , I had prior to tx, aches n pains but mostly my ole brain I don’t think will ever function like it use to! I wanna go back to school! I signed up for a pharmacutical course at local college, all I can do is try! because sitting at home withering away is the pitts. I am now seeing a therapist and have returned to church after being absent 3yrs, I also just had orientation to volunteer at the hospitol! wish me luck n keep me in your prayers that I will accomplish all these goals I have set out to do! I hope the new year is treating you all kind. Best wishes vew459
Sheesh, I got on here once and then when I’ve gotten over to use Kate’s computer I haven’t been able to get here to Hep C forum… very frustrating.
I think that that as KM has said the bugs are going to get worked out we just gotta hang on, and if any people are good at hanging on it’s us Hep Cats!
Yep, got my pretreatment blood draws, eyes checked, and dental work done. I have my insurance deductible money all $2000. of it, together ready to give them.
So here I go again very soon finally, to battle the dragon.
Thanks for the words of support vew459, you are a sweetheart.
hey Birdie,
congrats gf. wonderful job. and you are almost there. Good on ya!!!
I’m pulling for ya Birdie. luv ya.
and as always KM I got the fingers crossed big time for ya. BIG WAVES!
I’m still having issues with this site. Kinda had to get here in a round-a-bout way. Made it 45 weeks and the bottom fell out of the white count. Seems kind of silly to reduce my Pegasys dosage when I only have 3 weeks to go!
I’m super glad I bought that long term disability program through work! If I had had to work through all of this…I would have either lost my job from time missed…or would have had to discontinue treatment.
When I start getting my energy back…LOOK OUT WORLD! =) I think I’m gonna miss naps though! Sure as heck won’t miss feeling like a dried up raisin though! Seems that with all the liquids I drink and the lotion I apply…I’d be more like a plump juicy grape! =)
Wishing us all the best for 2009! Here’s to SVR and mild sides with treatment! CHEERS!
yes indeedy ,it is a round about trail to get here unlike FU2 which is a direct link from my email. who do we tell about this glitch?
3 weeks to go!!! that’s great. i think reducing your tx will be fine. i got pretty bad sx near the end and my hepatologist said i could stop because i was ud at 2 weeks and i had done 80% of the tx or something like that but i held on and finished taking the full deal. funny how desperate or scared we are to go ahead and inject and swallow the toxic mix that makes us so sick so we won’t (fingers crossed) get more sick. strange. you were very smart to be so prepared for tx and you’re a real fighter to keep at it until the end. you have me respect for your courage and determination. you’re gonna beat this thing so hang in there.
missed you while you were in austin but so happy to hear you were with friends and having some fun.
woo, you ARE getting ready for the tx fight. can i be your corner-man, pulling up the stool and bucket between rounds (please hit the bucket buddy)? i’ll be so proud when you raise your fists at the end!!! ding ding ding…
i went for my blood draw and was in and out in 15 min when it usually a least an hour waiting. ucla is so huge with so many sick people, all of us waiting to get poked. they have students and they ask if it’s ok if they take my blood. i let two of them try. i asked them to stick out their hands. if they were clean and steady i said ok. one very young HK chinese girl made a mess of it, blood spurting every where and her trying to clean it up with tissue. i felt so bad for her.
i go see my doc in two weeks. fingers crossed for SVR.
gotta go.
Hang in there Ya All!! tx does not last forever and so worth it when you are svr! I can only imagine not being able to complete myself! but just the same I am happy for anyone who does! SLAY THE DRAGON!!!
All done with treatment...made my last Dr visit (for 6 months anyway)...cleared to return to work. Dr. sent me for bloodwork to make sure all my blood counts are coming back up and the liver enzymes are staying down. So far...so good.
Hopefully I made this virus feel so UNINVITED that it won't wanna come back! =)
that is wonderful news birdlady! I am so very happy for you! Here’s to staying svr!
that’s friggin’ fantastic, CONGRATULATION!!! I AM SO HAPPY YOU’RE DONE. fingers crossed for SVR.
take it easy. i tried going back to work and it knocked me back to the couch for many weeks.
Work is making me go for a functionality test. =) 2 days of simulated work. Make sure I can still do my job. I’m like…dudes…it’s not like I had a body part mangled in a haybaler or anything! Sure, going back to work is going to kick my butt…but I think that’s why they call it work. If I get too tired I’ll just swap off my heavy lifting with one of the twenty somethings. I’m surely going to miss my naps though. I’ll be alright though. If I can survive 48 weeks of treatment…work shouldn’t be too bad. I’ll keep everyone posted.
Just take it slow - I’m two years out and still suffering the effects of the
48 weeks - fibrosis in all my muscles - I hear it’s only 24 weeks now -
lucky stiffs. I strongly suggest some physical therapy if you haven’t had any,
just to get your muscles back into shape some - cuz it’s real easy to hurt
yourself - I speak from experience.
In a message dated 3/11/2009 6:50:17 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
hepatitis-c-fft-11574@lists.fireflyhealth.org writes:
congrats on going back to work. you’ll be fine.
p123 is right though. take it slow and easy.
i went back to work too soon and worked a bit too hard and found out i wasn’t ready.
you’re right, you are one tough individual to make it thru tx.
good luck.
HELLO EVERYONE, I found my way in… again…
wish me luck
and KM I’m counting on you to be my corner man…
This is gonna be a dragon kickin 48 weeks
I plan to be at the SVR Celebration Reunion Party we are gonna have!!!
Birie you and KM head up the decor? Patricia, are you a good cook? How about you and View handling appetizers?..
I’ll bring Spring Water, whole juices, 51 flavors of ice cream, and
some rockin music!!!
I am a good cook - and my daughter has a rockin band - good luck - hang in
there - thought new treatments could be shorter now - guess not the case for
you. My heart is with you.
Patricia B.
In a message dated 3/18/2009 10:42:27 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
hepatitis-c-fft-11574@lists.fireflyhealth.org writes:
Many hugs to yall for your support… life is difficult and has been for a while and will be for a while longer…
but I’m clinging tight to YALL… my heroes!!!