FMD or not?

I was recently diagnosed with FMD of the internal carotid in January. I have seen several doctors…neurologists, vascular surgeons, cardiologists…and have gotten different responses on treatment – anywhere from do nothing to “close” the artery to “open” the artery. One very well respected doctor in NYC was convinced I didn’t even have FMD – he said my carotid had the appearance of a healed dissection. And, he said it could possibly be fixed by way of stent (further tests are needed to be sure). I have an appointment scheduled with Dr. Olin and hope he will have some answers but with so many different opinions and treatments, how do you know who’s right??? Are there questions I should be asking? Or tests I should request?

Glad you are going to see Dr. Olin. Stay with the experts in the field of FMD. If you have not read the book, “How Doctors Think”, please read it. The information in the book will help you navigate the medical maze.