Hello, I have a mole that just popped up on the bottom of my foot, had mal. mel. in '95 - pregnant at time of diag. Had several dyspl. moles removed since then, most recently an acral lentig. mole removed X2 and then a larger incision done as outpt. in the hospital - the new mole is on the bottom of my foot - anyone experienced this? Will go see the Derm. on March 3rd. Any info would be great!
This just seems to have come through to my email system.
My own view is - any mole that is uncertain - get it removed and checked. If
it was cancer, ten it is gone quickly, if not - well all that is lost is a
Main priority after that (and usual follow up checks) is diet and other
factors affecting your immune system
Keep in touch
Love and Healing
-----Original Message-----
From: dolphinrobi [mailto:melanoma-cpt7912@lists.careplace.com]
Sent: 26 February 2008 03:42
To: iandixon25lr@googlemail.com
Subject: [melanoma] foot mole
Hi, be sure to get that checked! Also check out this forum, where a dermatologist or oncologist will ensure an accurate reply, www.melanomaforum.org
Thank for your message. I think you are right. It’s best to just get it removed, I don’t believe in just ‘watching’ a mole and waiting for it to change. Take care, have a great day!
Any “new” moles are more suspicious, so that’s why I would suggest that. I
hope this gets to you ok.
Catherine M Poole, President and Founder
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-----Original Message-----
From: dolphinrobi [mailto:melanoma-cpt7912@lists.careplace.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2008 10:59 AM
To: cmp11@comcast.net
Subject: Re: [melanoma] foot mole