I am in the same condition. Used Minocin, then Doxycycline for 18 mos, which totally put the symptoms and flareups into remission. Then they came back 6 mos. ago. Am fighting the leaky gut (as verified by a colonoscopy) with probiotics and nutritionals, while still "pulsing " the doxycycling, but the RA seems to be slowly but surely gaining ground…getting established in my hands, ankles, shoulder, knees. Still able to get around, but beginning to wonder if I have to move up to methotroxate…which sounds horrid but apparently after several weeks of nausea will hammer the RA into some sort of submission. My fatigue is really noticeable…have to drink coffee in the morning now, just to be able to stay awake past 8 pm. Feel like I am fighting for my life. Not ready for a wheelchair but have been preparing by getting more and more helpful tools for the kitchen (jar openers, etc.) and changing handles on doors to levers, putting up a set of bars in bathroom so I can lift off the commode when a knee is flared up. Very depressing, and fighting depression. Fortunately have very supportive friends, but I hate to drag them down with tales of my pain and handicaps. I am usually OK in the afternoon - mornings are the worst. Insurance will not really pay for much of any prescriptions, so I am looking at liquidating my retirement funds (I am 61) if I go onto Humira or Enbrel, which AARP says would cost from $15,000 to $75,000 per year. Hopefully methotroxate is more reasonable…I am single and just get by as it is. Not a happy situation overall.