Fused inner labias!

I have had painful skin in and around my vagina for a few years. I attributed it to having gone through menopause. But in the last year or so, I have noticed that the smaller labias that surround my clitoris don’t seem to be separated, and I can’t find my clitoris! Gone! I finally squatted over a big mirror, and confirmed that my clitoris has been completely sealed in under the labias that have fused together.
Last week my clitoris became very painful, and I finally admitted that I needed help…embarrassing as it was!
I went to the doctor and she confirmed that my inner labias were indeed fused together and the clitoris was underneath. She gave me the diagnosis of lichen sclerosis.

She gave me a cream that has testosterin in it, and I am to apply it every day for a month, then use estrogen in my vagina.

My question: How in the world is putting cream on the clitoral area going to make the labias unfuse??? Will it? Or do I need surgery to unfuse them and release my clitoris? And if I did that, would it leave me with alot of pain?