I had my gall bladder removed in December, and then for a while, I was better, then I started having pain again. Was told that my common bile duct may be obstructed by a stone, so I had an ERCP, that was not able to be completed because I developed pancreatits and spent 4 days in the hospital. Then they wanted to stint my liver, and during that proceedure, my liver began to spasm so violently, that I was screaming, and I was already hooked up to a dilauded pump, and was sedated prior to this proceedure. I thought I was going to die right there in that room. From then on, I got passed around from doctor to doctor, and I started feeling better, so I kinda let it slide. Then, I was struck again last month, and this time, the pain hasn’t gone away, nor has the constant nausea. I live in a very small town and I have been to the ER so much that the local Sheriff came to talk to my husband to see what was going on with me. Seems I was getting alot of pain killers and that is suspicious activity. Seriously, is there ANY worse way to add insult to injury??? Has anyone else had pancreatitis after having gall bladder removal? I’m in constant pain now, and the last blood work ups I have had, are normal, but I have noticed that a lot of people on here say their blood work comes back normal during CP attacks. I recognize every symptom that is talked about on these boards. Even the SMELL of certain foods make me ill, and I can NEVER eat until I’m full, if I can ever manage it. Not eating so much these days, and since going to the er for help seems to be questionable in my neck of the woods, I’m not sure what I should do now. I have finally gotten an appointment with a very prestigious university hospital’s specialist, but I have to wait until the 25th to get there. I don’t know if I’ll make it. I haven’t eaten in 3 days now, and I’m going down hill fast. This is ridiculous. I’m disgusted and in pain. Not a good day.
I just read your post and it was like reading my profile. My entire saga with blockages and pancreatitis started after they took too long to diagnose that my gallbladder had stopped contracting and took it out. I was supposed to just be overnight in the hospital, which had turned into almost 2 years of severe problems, indescribable pain (except to people w/CP), vomiting, weight loss, surgeries and way too many extended hospital stays to keep up with. I’ve dealt w/a lot of medical stuff in my life and a lot that’s been painful, but never a disease that took over me, literally. I kept saying it’s the first medical thing I’ve ever encountered that’s been “bigger” than I am-- that no matter how hard I’ve tried to continue on with my life, it just keeps taking over. When I woke up from my simple, laproscopic gallbladder surgery, I knew something was wrong-- the gallbladder pain seemed better, but I was in pain that just left me crying out loud and has caused me to black out unconscious 4 times in the past year-- I guess my brain and body just couldn’t take any more and I passed out. It’s scary. Feel free to read my profile-- I updated it today and added a little. Maybe something there will help, too.
Since I truly know what you’re going through-- and I’m having several days this week with bad attacks even on home TPN, I just wish I could reach out and make it go away for you. No one deserves this-- but just hang in there. A lot of people do get better.
Many hugs,
WOW!! So, if I ever thought I was crazy, or imagining this…I know I"m not now! You are right, it is like reading my own story. I’m really new to all of this, and I had my first attack of pancreatits in Feb of this year, however, that acute attack seems to have awakened the sleeping dragon. I haven’t been the same since. Not only do I have pain from bile duct problems, I now have to deal with my pancreatitis being chronic. I’m having a really bad day today. I’m home, and trying to not have to go to the hospital. (Since I may go to jail if i do…can you believe that???) I think I would rather die. I do have an appointment at Vanderbilt university in a week, so I’m hoping to hold off until then. BTW…what is TPN? (sorry…told u I was new to this…)
and thanks for your story. I know this sounds strange, but it helps, to know that there is at least someone who can understand exactly what I’m going through…this is a nightmare.
I was sad to hear another person going through all this pain. I too had my gallbladder out and started the cycle of blocked bile ducts, ERCP’s, Stents, Severe Acute Pancreatitis and Chronic Pancreatitis. It’s a very tiring, frustrating, painful and sometimes lonely road. But finding others on this site is a real blessing and help. The key is finding a specialist in the Pancreas, unfortunatly I started with GI physicans who had no clue, just ERCP and more Spincterectomies (cutting the bile duct to open it). Now there is continuous scar tissue.
The need for pain meds when severe pain and ER visits happen can be difficult, there is a huge stigma on “Drug Seekers”, and uneducated people with Chronic Pancreatitis will assume that if your labs are within normal range. I have an excellent Internest who understands the disease and a GI Specialist who understands the Pancreas (he’s the best on the West Cost), but is not big on pain meds… I feel like I am in a tug of war sometimes.
Glad to hear you have your appt coming up. Try to do at least liquids, there is Special K Protein Water that is good (used it for 4 weeks after my TPN ended), you don’t want to get dehydrated. STAY AWAY from High Fat if you start feeling better… that will make your Pancreas more inflammed.
You always have support here.
Please hang in there, no matter how desperate and difficult it gets. I think many of us thing of just ending it all-- but there’s always that hope that one day it will get resolved. Know that you are definitely not alone-- and we’re all here to help. Since we’re both having a rough time and a lot of pain (I know I should be going to the ER at this point, but I can’t deal with any more of it and just stay at home, allow the tears, and grab a pillow or a cat or something I can hug and squeeze and just try to keep taking breaths)-- I can empathize so much. I wish we could all find a solution and cure. It’s so hard some days-- most days at times. I know it can feel very alone and helpless, but please do your best to take care of yourself, give yourself hugs, and try to find some way to stay hopeful-- no matter how hard it gets.
FYI: TPN is “total parental nutrition” and is a full day’s nutrition and hydration in a bag that goes in through your veins (often using a central or peripheral IV line like a PICC or Mediport) so that nothing goes through your GI tract. This gives the pancreas a chance to “rest” and still keeps your weight up and your nutrition intact. I find that I still get hungry and thirsty, but part of that is probably just because I miss eating so much. I’ve been on it for about a month now-- first in the hospital and then at home.
Many hugs and my thoughts are with you–
I am sorry to hear about the problems that you are having, I am glad to hear that you are going to see someone knowledgeable. I will pray for you to make it to the 25th. That is only a few days away. Hang in there. God loves you and wants the best for you. I know that and it is whats gets me through each day.
It’s good to know that somebody some where knows and understands what I’m in right now. I’m not in a good place, but I’m hoping that will change. Hope is all I have. I guess that is what keeps us all going huh? Anyhoo…thanks for understanding, and sharing.
I feel your pain and frustration. Remember to get an antidepressant as soon as you can. See a psychiatrist for depression and I hope that you get Cymbalta.
I live with the same chronic pain and chronic nausea as well as a lot of other problems (diabetes, vertigo dysplasia, bedridden, etc.) and have done so for 12 years now.
Take good care and my thoughts are with you.
Hang in there. I got my pancreatitis in much the same way. I, too, was treated suspiciously at first. Some doctors acted like I just wanted pain medicine. Believe me if I could go without taking any drugs like I used to it would be heaven. I now go to a great pain doctor. He did nerve block on Thursday and I don’t know if it worked or not. I am being cautiously optimistic. I hope that your appointment with the specialist goes well. Where are you going on the 25th?