Genetics ...gene polymorphisms of fibro ..and CFS?

"Fibromyalgia overlaps with several related syndromes, collectively
compromising the spectrum of the functional somatic disorder. FMS is
characterized by a strong familial aggregation. Recent evidence suggests a
role for polymorphisms of genes in the serotoninergic, dopaminergic and
catecholaminergic systems in the etiopathogenesis of FMS.

These polymorphisms are not specific for FMS and are similarly associated
with additional comorbid conditions. The mode of inheritance in FMS is
unknown, but it is most probably polygenic. Recognition of these gene
polymorphisms may help to better subgroup FMS patients and to guide a more
rational pharmacological approach."

quote taken from from The genetics of fibromyalgia syndrome.

Pharmacogenomics. 2007 Jan;8(1):67- 74.

Buskila D, Sarzi-Puttini P, Ablin JN.

[1] Ben Gurion University, Department of Medicine H, Soroka Medical Center
and Faculty of Health Sciences, Beer Sheva, Israel.
dbuskila@bgumail. ,
[2] L Sacco University Hospital, Senior Rheumatologist, Rheumatology
Unit,Via GB Grassi 74, 20157 Milano, Italy. sarzi@tiscali. it ,
[3] Tel-Aviv University, Departments of Rheumatology, Tel-Aviv Sourasky
Medical Center and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv, Israel.

PMID: 17187510

Im wondering if anyone knows what the test checking for those polymorphisms mentioned in this article is called, as I’d be interested in asking a doctor to test me for those. I have an interest in genetics and the transference/inheritance of illness predisposition. There is definately something going on in my family.

There are actually three of us in my family (the other two are sicker than I) who have similar symptoms. My very young (22?) year old cousin has been on disability for a couple of years now due to CFS symptoms, (she was at the Australian Institute of Sport…training for the olymptic team when she first got sick). Im fairly certain sure she has CFS (thou her doctors wont give her any diagnosis as I dont think they dont believe in it). My uncle (her father) is on disability due to a extremely rare condition with his Mast cells (much rarer than CFS) which causes similar symptoms too along with severe life threatening chemical sensitivity ones. He has an almost daily challenge of just struggling just to stay alive (Sometimes more than once a week he ends up having to be taken to hospital in ambulance…the problem is to do with mast cells). Ive noticed of late, CFS studies on CFS and mast cells are just starting to be done now and there seems to be some kind of link here too.

The only polymorphism of one of my genes so far which I know about is of that I have polymorphism at position 667 of the MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) gene. This is linked to one being predisposed to many different illnesses so hence puts me at at high risk of many different things… eg heart attack, stroke, cancer miscarriage etc. As far as I can tell from the research I did on it, so far no studies at all have been done between this gene and CFS so who knows there.
***CORRECTION TO MY POST… There has in fact been ONE study done, I just found it online and it shows that three is no link between MTHFR gene and CFS.

My mother is currently awaiting test results to see if I have the MTHFR gene mutation I’ve got cause of her … as this gene mutation is a common one and my genetic problem there would of been inherited from one of parents .

As far as CFS goes… I think the genetic thing going on in my family with the predisposition for this kind of illness is probably from my fathers side of my family (due to both my nanna with her extremely severe IBS and food allergies…IBS is so often in CFS and my cousin with some CFS symptoms as I, along with my uncle with the life threatening Chemical sensivitity)… so probably another gene or possibly two mutated genes from both side of my family coming into play within my own body.


My CFS specialist sent some of my blood away to another state for another genetic test a while ago (but I never heard back about the results). A HLA-DQ tissue typing test (usually something done before transplants and in paternity testing). I dont know what that one is about but I think he’s been been involved in some of the main CFS research in my state as I know he’s involved in my states main hospital and quite a few of the CFS research and published studies has come out from that hospital.