Geodon Medication

Does anybody have any experience with Geodon Medication? My doctor just put me on it about 10 days ago at 80 mg doses which she says is a low dose. At first I felt sluggish, then really great and motivated. Now in the last 2 days I have slammed back down into a depression state.

I"ve been on and off of Geodon for eight months - depending on how noisy my mind gets. Currently I"m taking 40 mg in the am and 80 mg at bed time. Not only does the Geodon help with the noise and racing thoughts but it helps with the sleep.

I also use Geodon as a PRN when ever the suicidal thoughts come racing into mind. In regards to you feeling good for a few days and now you are feeling down again I go through the same process when I begin taking the Geodon again. Hang in there, things should level off. If not you may need an adjustment.

Glad to hear you contacted your doctor and she upped the dosage of Geodon. I know when ever I take it as a PRN in addition to my daily doses I notice results quite rapidly.

Hang in there hopefully this higher dose will calm those racing thoughts.