Getting nervous, ERCP on Monday

Hi all,

I am getting a little scared about the ERCP on Monday. This is my first and they are doing manometry and if needed sphincterectomies w/ stents. I will probably be admitted overnight and then longer if I have a flare from the procedure. I am not sure if there is wi-fi so I am not sure if I can update until I get home. I will be taking my computer and leaving it locked in the car, then if they have wi-fi I will have my husband get it for me and I will update you all as to what they find.

I will admit 2 things…

  1. I have considered cancelling the ERCP. I have had a few uncomfortable days in the last 6 weeks but nothing like it was there for a while. I just know this will “freak” things out for a while and cause more pain. Not to mention if I do get a bad flare-up. My husband thinks I should go ahead, now is the time I guess.

  2. I will be discouraged if they find nothing! I know that sounds terrible, but I know only you guys understand what I mean. My family always says something like “Do you want something bad to be wrong? You should be happy there is nothing bad in there.” That is not it at all, I DON"T want to be sick. I just wish they would find something that makes me feel so bad, and then FIX IT!

Anyway, I just thought I would remind you all of my procedure. Hugs to you all and hope you are all pain free!


ps. I sure do miss everyone we lost when this all changes. Is there a way to email them or something??


I will keep you in my prayers today. Thinking good thoughts they will find the problem and fix it!
God Bless,

Hey Keke,
How did your appointment go? I have been thinking about you!


My ERCP is Monday the 12th, so this coming Monday. Yours is the 28th, right? Hopefully I will be fully recovered by then so I will be praying for you too! I will update hopefully by Tuesday.


Don’t be scared. I know that is easier said than done. I go back to Minnesota tomorrow for my third stent placement. I too am new at all this. I was feeling so horrible this summer and ever since going to Minnesota things have gotten better. Well, they aren’t great when I am healing from the procedures, but overall I am feeling better. I can eat again and actually go to work in good shape. They found that my minor papilla (tube) was strictured. Nothing could pass well. The procedures are not fun, but they aren’t as bad as some say they are either. Just remember to rest, rest, rest. Don’t eat too quickly after you get home either. Take it easy no matter what they tell you. The last procedure, I got really scared because my healing took quite a bit longer. I was having pain on the 8th day. I heard with all the gas and tinking around, you may be feeling symptoms up to two weeks. The doctor didn’t tell me this nor say that my pain was normal. He made me worry more than I needed to. By the 9th day, I felt really good and things got even better. I wish you the best. Let me know how it goes!


DO IT!!! I put my first one off for several months. It almost cost me my pancreas. By the time I got in for the procedure I was jaundiced and they almost lost me. DO NOT DELAY!! Remember that the longer you wait the more damage may be done. I too felt better at times, but in hindsight I now know that sometimes as the pancreas gets more diseased the less pain you feel. Trust your doctors. I know that is not always easy, but this time please try.

I know it is hard, but in the end you will be glad you did it. Sure there will be some pain. You already know how to deal with that. Give yourself plenty of time to rest and start to heal. Don’t try to eat too much at first. Listen to your body. It will let you know when you can add more food. You are a strong woman. You have already proved that by the fact that you have been able to endure under and through the pain. You WILL survive this procedure. I have had 11 and will be doing number 12 on the 28th. Take it from a pro - you can do this, you will survive and always remember that God is on YOUR side.

Keep the Faith and God Bless.


Thanks guys,

Vonnie, I know you are right. I already put it off for 2 months so I could get through the holidays/several birthdays. I know I need to do it, and will do it. My husband probably wouldn’t let me cancel, anyway, lol!

Thanks again,

Keri, Sorry, I thought your procedure was the same time as mine. But I have prayed for a successful procedure. I am now praying for as pain free as a recovery as possible.


Keri, Good for you. I will be praying, if I can remember. I think my procedure is the day before yours. You have a tendency to get a little loopy after one of these things. But know that I will pray up till that time.


I just lost my whole post I had typed, grrr…

Well, I didn’t go through with it. Please don’t flame me!

We went to the procedure~had gown bed and when the doc came in to speak with us before hand. He asked for me to explain my entire history with pancreatitis and I did. We had never met him, he is the ercp specialist on the “pancreatic disease team”. I mentioned that I have been feeling almost normal for 2 months(3 now) and I had considered canceling this procedure. He began to “confirm” every reservation I had been having over the last month. He gave my husband and I time to talk and decide if I wanted to go through with it. He said that he had been doing ERCP’s for 20 years(he is a retired Army doc from Walter Reed) and the worst cases of pancreatitis he had ever seen were post ERCP. I struggled and cried and then I prayed for guidance. I realized that God was telling me to “take up my mat and go home”! For the doc to present like this on the day of surgery HAD to be a God thing! Most docs would have just come and talked procedure and gave me a shot of meds.

I was so relieved when I told the doc I was bailing! Actually, so was he! He then told me that since I haven’t had a “confirmed” case of pancreatitis post gall bladder removal, He would rather not do it. He said that if he was making the decision for me, he would have decided not to do it as well. He said that if I changed my mind to call and reschedule, or if I got another confirmed flare to definately call and get the ERCP scheduled. He said “we are NOT burning any bridges”.

He gave us so much time and we really liked him. So for now, I am just living and enjoying my relatively pain free/eat normal time. It has been so long that I have felt pretty normal. I just couldn’t take the chance of screwing that up. I think that if I had had 3 terrible months, I would have been begging for it. I feel that eventually I will need the ERCP, I just am going to live and let live for now. I don’t feel it is over, just quiet, you know??

Thank you for praying for me and thinking of me. Wishing you all pain free days. (((HUGS)))

KeKe please know you are in my prayers. My husband had his pancreas removed about eoghteen months ago. He is doing wonderful. Of course his life has changed somewhat. With his shots and meds. But well worth it.
Hugs & Prayers
Sammi ~

— On Wed, 1/28/09, Keke wrote:

From: Keke
Subject: Re: [pancreatitis] Getting nervous, ERCP on Monday…
Date: Wednesday, January 28, 2009, 12:58 PM

— On Wed, 1/28/09, Sammi wrote:

From: Sammi
Subject: Re: [pancreatitis] Getting nervous, ERCP on Monday…
Date: Wednesday, January 28, 2009, 1:14 PM

Keke, If my doctor had told me the same, I would have listened. You did the right thing. Good for you.


I agree with both of you, if you do not need it do not doit, sometimes less is better ! also when you do not know what to do, do nothing, it will always prove to be the right thing ! also i wanted to say to my surprise yesterday i opened emails and there you all were just like it use to be! i am so happy, i hated it the way it was, not getting everyones emails ! i am so glad to have you all back in my life !

I am so glad to hear from you. I wondered where you and everyone else went.
Yes, it was absolutely a God thing. I had a pretty rough time after my ERCP
but I feel pretty good now. Digesting is still hard (use enzymes) but the
pain is almost nil.

I am so glad you found the RIGHT doctors (your angels) and knew what to do!
You have definitely been in my prayers!

Sending a big hug,

i did not realize jackie how much support and security this site gives ! wow what a rude awakening ! i am soooo happy ! even though i have pain !

From: harslp
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2009 7:26:01 PM
Subject: Re: [pancreatitis] Getting nervous, ERCP on Monday…

Hey everyone,

You can see my latest post on Ohiogirl’s post. The short story is I need to have surgery. Not sure what they want to do but am hoping I can get in touch with Dr. Sutherland. I need to ask questions!!

Welcome back everyone. It has been a long dry spell hasn’t it.
