Getting off meds

Looking for stories/support/advice on trying to get off anti depressants that I’ve been on for so long…

I’ve been on Paxil for 7 yr now. It worked fantastic for me until the last 3 months it just quit working. Over those 7 yr. I weaned off it slowly 3 times. I would always be fine up to a month after I was totally off it, and then the anxiety would come back bad and I’d go back on it.
Now I wish I could just stay on it, but I’ve doubled my dose and it’s just not working. I saw a homeopath that says she has gotten lots of people off SSRIs successfully, but prefers that you are doing okay on it when you start of wean off, and she uses homeopathic stuff to help you get back into balance.
I have tried Cymbalta and Lexapro recently and neigther was right for me. Lexapro had bad side effects. Cymbalta made me nervous. I’m really bummed. I don’t know if I should try another med, like Celxea, or just try to get off it. I hate being anxious all the time.