Hello my dear friends,
I am more scared now than I have ever been in all of my 36 years. I know that fear is one of the things we all live with everyday because of our CP. But when I was in my teens and all through my 20’s, I didn’t have fear about my pancreas.
Over the years I have been told by many doctors on numerous occasions the following: in 1978 when they found out I had necrotizing hemorrhagic pancreatitis (NHP) the doctor told my mother “I cleaned out as much infection and digestive juices I could. I then closed her up started her on IV fluids and antibiotics. You need to call anyone and everyone who loves her because she will not live throught the night”, the next morning he told my mother that “We don’t know why or how she got NHP but she will be a diabetic from now on”. Every doctor I have seen over the years had said something along these lines, “You must be mistaken about what you had as a child, no one lives through NHP”, I don’t feel comfortable about taking you on as a patient because you are so young and you will die, probably sooner than later, from your pancreas." I am assuming you are getting my drift and have had some of the same things happen to you. My mom always said that when it came to me and my health, “If you hear hoofbeats outside, it’s probably zebra’s.”
For many years i have always had “weird” medical things occur that most docs don’t know what it is or the tests don’t show how bad i feel. You know the ones…all your labs look OK or maybe slightly elevated, you should be doing this if you have that, you shouldn’t be this sick according to these tests and my personal favorite…have you been depressed, could you be pregnant, have you ever had a panic attack!!! After awhile you feel like you aren’s sick enough for these docs and nurses and at times wish (stupidly) that you were. I am now learning that to wish you were "sick " enough is folly.
I have been in the hospital 3 times in 2 months. Everytime I have gone in since June I have gotten worse each time. The June admission started to show some elevated liver ezymes, high SED and GSR and slightly elevated A&L (amylase and lipase). No other tests were done because my PCP and I thought this was probably just a routined flare-up that needed to be “put out”. I was in the hospital for 7 days.
Then 3 weeks later I am back in the hospital again with my PCP treating me. Now more of my labs are bad and she decides to do an abdominal series (CT w/contrast, small bowel follow though and upper GI). So now we find out that my labs are worse, the peristalasis (caterpillar movement of intestines that moves food to its eventual exit) is lowing down, there is a stricture (narrowing) in the duodenum (lowest part of the stomach where the ducts go in to ) and ulcers in the duodenum. I am treated in the hospital for 9 days and sent home. My PCP tells me at discharge that if I have another flare-up that she wants me to call my GI and let him determine if I should be admitted.
Three weeks go by and I am again going down the toilet. Mu GI does not do direct admits so I go to the ER where my doc has privileges. My GI is unable to come down to the ER himself so I get some jack*ss resident who I can barely understand. Before he comes to talk to me he looks over my lab results and I bet you can’t guess what he told me. With labs in hand and a 18 month old ERCP, he said that I do not have pancreatitis and the ERCP showed that I did not have chronic pancreatits. UUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!! I start telling him my past medical history, that his opinion doesn’t mean squat to me and he is more than welcome to take it up with my GI who diagnosed me. Needless to say he realized that he had gotten a tiger by the tail and knew better than to second guess or override my GI. The resident admitted me and I told me that my GI wanted to let my gut rest for a few days before he did another ERCP.
About the third day there, I had had enough of the nurses taking an hour to get me something for pain, decreasing my pain med without telling me, etc. I was sitting up in bed one afternoon waiting for something for pain and tears just started streaming down my face. I was so sick, angry, frustrated, afraid and quite honestly tired of fighting with the people who were supposed there to help me. I grabbed my pillow, shoved my face in it and started to scream, cry and tell God i hated him. Why was my life saved 29 years ago? For this!!! Constant pain, nausea, degredation by health care workers, the constant burden on my family…I could go on. To make matters worse, the ERCP showed that my psuedocyst was back and bigger, I had visible signs of scarring on the tail of my pancreas (that last ERCP showed no scarring) and my pancreatic duct had closed up again and I had to have another sphincterotomy as well as a temporary stent. The icing on the cake was what my GI told my husband and mother post ERCP. My GI gets the sickest CP patients from KY and the surrounding states. Over the years he has seen/treated about 4000 CP patients. He told my family that on a scale of 0-5 (0 is a nonscarred, noncystic pancreas and 5 is the worst he has ever seen) I was now a 2- or 3+. All this had happened in 18 months!!! What and the hell kind of shape am I going to be in 18 more months. I dream about being with my girls upon HS graduation, seeing them off to college, planning weddings, loving my grandbabies and traveling with my husband after we retire. Now i am afraid I will not make it long enough to see them graduate HS.
I know this is really long and I apologize. Lisa gave me the courage to open myself up and be really honest with myself and others. I know that none of us have the “answers” when it comes to CP but we do have each other. I have tried to open up like this to family and friends about what i just wrote about and they get afraid that I might so something to myself or just flat out don’t get it. I KNOW that all of us have had similar experiences so I feel safe sharing my fears, anxieties, tears, and anger.
If anyone could share with me how they deal with this impending doom/death that loom around us, I would be so appreciative. Not all of us are at the same level of illness, pain etc. but we all have CP…as well as love and respect. Isn’t nice to share things with a person or group of people that will not judge you and share the burden with you. Priceless!
Much love to all,