

Your post on the victim mentality thread gave me an idea of another good thread on grieving.

The expert on that subject without a doubt is Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, M.D. Some may find much value in reading this super, tremendously outstanding female.

There are stages to grieving and dying. She defines them as follows:

  1. Denial: The initial stage: “It can’t be happening.”
  2. Anger: “Why ME? It’s not fair!” (either referring to God, oneself, or anybody perceived, rightly or wrongly, as “responsible”)
  3. Bargaining: “Just let me live to see my child(ren) graduate.”
  4. Depression: “I’m so sad, why bother with anything?”
  5. Acceptance: “It’s going to be OK.”

(“He” in this text - to mean “He” or “She”).

We react to serious mishaps, life altering setbacks, disasters, abuse, and
death by going through the phases of grieving. Traumas are the complex
outcomes of psychodynamic and biochemical processes. But the particulars of
traumas depend heavily on the interaction between the victim and his social

It would seem that while the victim progresses from denial to helplessness,
rage, depression and thence to acceptance of the traumatizing events -
society demonstrates a diametrically opposed progression. This
incompatibility, this mismatch of psychological phases is what leads to the
formation and crystallization of trauma.


Victim phase I - DENIAL

The magnitude of such unfortunate events is often so overwhelming, their
nature so alien, and their message so menacing - that denial sets in as a
defence mechanism aimed at self preservation. The victim denies that the
event occurred, that he or she is being abused, that a loved one passed


The victim’s nearest (“Society”) - his colleagues, his employees, his
clients, even his spouse, children, and friends - rarely experience the
events with the same shattering intensity. They are likely to accept the bad
news and move on. Even at their most considerate and empathic, they are
likely to lose patience with the victim’s state of mind. They tend to ignore
the victim, or chastise him, to mock, or to deride his feelings or
behaviour, to collude to repress the painful memories, or to trivialize

Summary Phase I

The mismatch between the victim’s reactive patterns and emotional needs and
society’s matter-of-fact attitude hinders growth and healing. The victim
requires society’s help in avoiding a head-on confrontation with a reality
he cannot digest. Instead, society serves as a constant and mentally
destabilizing reminder of the root of the victim’s unbearable agony (the Job


Victim phase II - HELPLESSNESS

Denial gradually gives way to a sense of all-pervasive and humiliating
helplessness, often accompanied by debilitating fatigue and mental
disintegration. These are among the classic symptoms of PTSD (Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder). These are the bitter results of the internalization and
integration of the harsh realization that there is nothing one can do to
alter the outcomes of a natural, or man-made, catastrophe. The horror in
confronting one’s finiteness, meaninglessness, negligibility, and
powerlessness - is overpowering.

Society phase II - DEPRESSION

The more the members of society come to grips with the magnitude of the
loss, or evil, or threat represented by the grief inducing events - the
sadder they become. Depression is often little more than suppressed or
self-directed anger. The anger, in this case, is belatedly induced by an
identified or diffuse source of threat, or of evil, or loss. It is a higher
level variant of the “fight or flight” reaction, tampered by the rational
understanding that the “source” is often too abstract to tackle directly.

Summary Phase II

Thus, when the victim is most in need, terrified by his helplessness and
adrift - society is immersed in depression and unable to provide a holding
and supporting environment. Growth and healing is again retarded by social
interaction. The victim’s innate sense of annulment is enhanced by the
self-addressed anger (=depression) of those around him.


Both the victim and society react with RAGE to their predicaments. In an
effort to narcissistically reassert himself, the victim develops a grandiose
sense of anger directed at paranoidally selected, unreal, diffuse, and
abstract targets (=frustration sources). By expressing aggression, the
victim re-acquires mastery of the world and of himself.

Members of society use rage to re-direct the root cause of their depression
(which is, as we said, self directed anger) and to channel it safely. To
ensure that this expressed aggression alleviates their depression - real
targets must are selected and real punishments meted out. In this respect,
“social rage” differs from the victim’s. The former is intended to sublimate
aggression and channel it in a socially acceptable manner - the latter to
reassert narcissistic self-love as an antidote to an all-devouring sense of

In other words, society, by itself being in a state of rage, positively
enforces the narcissistic rage reactions of the grieving victim. This, in
the long run, is counter-productive, inhibits personal growth, and prevents
healing. It also erodes the reality test of the victim and encourages
self-delusions, paranoidal ideation, and ideas of reference.


Victim Phase IV - DEPRESSION

As the consequences of narcissistic rage - both social and personal - grow
more unacceptable, depression sets in. The victim internalizes his
aggressive impulses. Self directed rage is safer but is the cause of great
sadness and even suicidal ideation. The victim’s depression is a way of
conforming to social norms. It is also instrumental in ridding the victim of
the unhealthy residues of narcissistic regression. It is when the victim
acknowledges the malignancy of his rage (and its anti-social nature) that he
adopts a depressive stance.


People around the victim (“society”) also emerge from their phase of rage
transformed. As they realize the futility of their rage, they feel more and
more helpless and devoid of options. They grasp their limitations and the
irrelevance of their good intentions. They accept the inevitability of loss
and evil and Kafkaesquely agree to live under an ominous cloud of arbitrary
judgement, meted out by impersonal powers.

Summary Phase IV

Again, the members of society are unable to help the victim to emerge from a
self-destructive phase. His depression is enhanced by their apparent
helplessness. Their introversion and inefficacy induce in the victim a
feeling of nightmarish isolation and alienation. Healing and growth are once
again retarded or even inhibited.



Depression - if pathologically protracted and in conjunction with other
mental health problems - sometimes leads to suicide. But more often, it
allows the victim to process mentally hurtful and potentially harmful
material and paves the way to acceptance. Depression is a laboratory of the
psyche. Withdrawal from social pressures enables the direct transformation
of anger into other emotions, some of them otherwise socially unacceptable.
The honest encounter between the victim and his own (possible) death often
becomes a cathartic and self-empowering inner dynamic. The victim emerges
ready to move on.

Society Phase V - DENIAL

Society, on the other hand, having exhausted its reactive arsenal - resorts
to denial. As memories fade and as the victim recovers and abandons his
obsessive-compulsive dwelling on his pain - society feels morally justified
to forget and forgive. This mood of historical revisionism, of moral
leniency, of effusive forgiveness, of re-interpretation, and of a refusal to
remember in detail - leads to a repression and denial of the painful events
by society.

Summary Phase V

This final mismatch between the victim’s emotional needs and society’s
reactions is less damaging to the victim. He is now more resilient,
stronger, more flexible, and more willing to forgive and forget. Society’s
denial is really a denial of the victim. But, having ridden himself of more
primitive narcissistic defences - the victim can do without society’s
acceptance, approval, or look. Having endured the purgatory of grieving, he
has now re-acquired his self, independent of society’s acknowledgement.

----- Original Message -----
From: “thephoenix101”
Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2007 9:13 PM
Subject: Re: [npd] Grieving

the list of stages I’ve refered to in my darkest hours , many times.

I’d love to hear from others who bounce back and forth between the stages in their recovery. Everytime I end up in the anger stage or the depression stage (where I’m at today) I keep feeling like its one step forward, one step back, and wondering, just how much longer is the grieving going to take? Everything else in my life is set to “go”… except for this damn thing

I dont know about others but I have a group of very close friends who have been supportive of me and willing to listen and accept whatever stage I’ve been at in this relationship for YEARS. Thank Gawd. I’m even lucky enough to have made friends of work colleagues with whom I’ve recently shared some of my private life and theyre also supportive and compassionate.

My son , whom I dont look to for any support and try to nip it in the bud when he tries to give it, has found ways of making me laugh, he’s now got what I refer to as SuperHeroHumour, which I do nurture cuz I think thats likely going to be a coping mechanism that will come in handy when he is older.

I feel the disconnect between where I’m at emotionally and where I “should be” from 2 places…my mother who loves me and has a hard time seing me in pain, and yanno she’s 75 now, widowed and I dont want her to see me in pain either, so I dont talk to her about it anymore, or let her see it. Thats one avenue of denial its worth walking.

And the other is me. I dont like weakness. I dont find it appealing. I dont find depression appealing either. Not in others, and certainly not in myself. I dont like it when I see women still pining away after men who dont deserve the loyalty or devotion. So I dislike it even more in myself.

Is it like that for any of you too?

One of the things I work hard not to be seen as is weak. Even my body is a force to be reckoned with. A mugger would not choose me on a dark sidewalk to jump. Its a process to accept that part of me. You get to see some of that process here. I dont like it that I’m still recovering from a bogus relationship with an asshole – and I dont like it that many of you other members are either – but here we are…and theres nothing left to do except be here for each other.

If only we could all become SuperHeroSurvivors, jump into a telephone booth in tears, jump out with muscular calves, cleavage to our chins and a rawkin sexy cape!

Phoenix, If you don’t mind me asking, how long has it been since you and your N broke up?

14 months, however he was overseas the last year we were officially together but as far as I know, living it up like he was already single, one of his mates over there insisted on the phone once he’d met me, but he never had, likely he met some other woman my ex was dating there.

So for him its probably more like 2+ years.

When we did officially breakup he insisted we stay friends and keep in contact, painful for me but OK, I tried, I did it with my exhusband perfectly fine. But I orchestrated No Contact 5 months ago when he turned out to be a lousy friend too (no sympathy or comfort when I was sitting three days and nights with a dying grandmother).

So while intellectually I’d say we broke up 14 months ago, I think emotionally it was only 5 months ago.

So I could convince myself its been enough time (although my therapist says its likely at least 2 years before I’m back to “normal”) or not nearly enough time depending on how I look at it. Perception is everything, isnt it?


There are no true rules in life on this kind of stuff. I am so sorry you experienced life and cannot deal with it.

as usual you have an interesting translation on experiences other than your own

if I couldnt deal with life, I’d be dead already

Unfortunately, bickering with you wont help distract me from life tonight

but being close to someone valuable to me was, my heart feels soothed right now.

Thats the magic of contactfulness though isnt it? its why kissing a booboo can make the crying stop when my son would scrape a knee…and its why the pain of a breakup can be diminished with affection and the company of someone good.

I’m hoping your night was warm and nice too.

I’ve experienced several things in life that I can’t handle… there’s no shame in that. I threw up my hands at one point and gave up and said to myself that I can’t do it on my own anymore. I really needed help. I think that if I had felt any other way, I wouldn’t have been human. Though maybe, since I’m still here, that means I was handling things.

phoenix and wastedyouth - I totally get what you both feel and have felt. I definitely spend most of my life in “acceptance” now - but, do backslide to depression here and there. Luckily, it is short-lived. I don’t think we’d be “normal” feeling and caring people if we didn’t sometimes look back and wish things could have been different and feel a little sad. And that doesn’t mean wishing we could have changed our N - it might mean: wish we’d recognized it sooner, wish we’d handled this differently, or done this or that. I think that when we do that, especially we women who internalize blame, we can’t help but come down a notch or two. It doesn’t have to result in a real “depressive” phase, but it can if other things are going wrong in your life as well. So, yes - I do bounce back and forth sometimes between the “depression” and the “acceptance” phases. . I actually shudder to think of myself as being someone so cold and devoid of emotions that I would be able to completely 100% walk away and never think about or feel about the situation again. Not to replay, get mad, get sad or even mourn - but just have an emotion…does that make sense to anybody?

bumping real NPD related post