Yesterday while putzing around on line I just began thinking of some of the tell signs of this. Pain in fingers and toes. pain=nerves= neruological… I have what my drs have discribed an ‘intresting’ neurological background. I have been written up in neurological journals the ‘tape’ of my surgery is used to teach neurosurgeons and it goes on and on.
Anyway because of this I began to wonder if my past neurological problems may have contributed to PV in any way… Is ther a connection besides me of course between the two.
My neurological problem involved the circulitory (sp) system. and of course that =blood which leads to bone marrow…
I did a google and found one article ( didnt save it) that sugested that prenatal ‘brain injury’ may be a factor to PV in later yrs after birth of course. I will have to go and find it again.
But I would think that not everyone here or in th world with PV had some sort of ‘brain injury’ or neurological problems prior to Dx’d with PV… And yeah my neurological problem developed in the womb.
Am I nuts for thinking in this direction or can this be a valid question to bounce of my hemotologist, neurologist, neruosurgeon…