Many problems after treatment for HCV and it did not work.Eye sight leaving much weight gain very confused and can’t seem to get help only run in circles i am getting weaker by the day.What to do I AM STUNNED AT DR’S Response and lost or missplaced records what happened?I PRAY someone can help and i am not alone.
Some heppers will clear and slowly get back to the way they were before tx. Then the other half relapses and keeps most of the worse side effects. It also will add other health issues. This is what happened to me. I had 2 jobs, full of energy and on the go always. After tx, I have not been that way since. I ran out my short term and long term disability benefits and had to apply for Social Security. I was denied twice and finally approved the third time. It took 3 yrs to get it. I was still being paid by my Long term while waiting, so when I got approved and got my retro pay, it all had to go back to my Long Term Disabilty company. Could sure used that big sum of money, but Long term still paid me those 3 yrs, so it wasnt too hard to give back the retro S.S. check they sent me.
You WILL need to get a copy of ALL dr visits. When you go, please ask the doctor to give you a copy of ‘that’ days office visit report before you leave. I always ask for the copy when I am paying my co-payment while they have my file in front of them, that way you have them on the spot and no reason to get up and make a copy of the visit for that day. Get all documents and blood work results too. Keep every paper you are given. So if you need to apply for S.S., you will have what they ask of you. After any blood work, wait 2 weeks then call your doctors office medical records dept and ask that your results be sent to you or faxed. You will want ALL of those too. My eye doctor even wrote a letter to my Hep-C doctor, letting him know how the interferon was interfering with my eye site. I asked for a copy of that too before I left the eye doctors office. We all will react differently to our tx, but you keep this in mind about documenting every single doctor you have to go to. Same for ultrasounds, etc tests. Hope this helps some.
Thank you for your reply,i have been able to keep up on all records because i keep pushing calling whatever till i get them.BUT i did not know you could request while at Dr when done.I will try this out as i have appt. Thursday should be fun as he wants me to have nothing anyway.I think he dreams at night i go away.He does not like you to read about what you have etc. Thank You,Nigel