HD and constipation

My 13 month old daughter is having an awful time with constipation and was recently hospitalized with it (along with entercolitis and a viral infection). Does anyone have any suggestions on how to help her with this. She is currently on a high fiber diet and having rectal irrigations every other day.

I have a 10 month old that is going through the same thing. The surgeon
restricted his diet - no bananas, apples, cheese, white pasta, white bread,
chicken nugget and anything that contains the above (of course some of those
items he hasn’t had yet anyways). He is also on about 28 grams of miralax a
day. We see the GI on Friday and will be talking with her about other
options - botox injections, NO ointment, and testing. I’ll let you know if
I learn anything of use. Suppositories and enemas don’t really seem to work
for Jaden.


-----Original Message-----
From: mom803718 [mailto:hirschsprungs-cpt5680@lists.careplace.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2007 10:20 PM
To: xians@charter.net
Subject: [hirschsprungs] HD and constipation

My son, (5 yrs. old now) had severe constipation when he was a baby. He was hospitalized several times with it. They finally figured out he was having bouts of pouchitis. He has a J-pouch. They also discovered he was getting sick bc he had too much bad bacteria building up in his colon that was left. I dialated him every day and gave him yogurt every day. It helped some. Then he started him on over the counter lactobacillus gg. It has been a God-send!!! I used to open the capsules and put it in his milk. (now he just swallows them) twice a day. (oh and he was on cycled flagyl for a while too). Anyway, he is doing great now and only takes the lacto still. Maybe you could ask about the lacto. It really did help Zach!! Good luck! chrystal

-----Original Message-----

From: mom803718 hirschsprungs-cpt5680@lists.careplace.com
Sent: Aug 21, 2007 10:20 PM
To: rcsnell@peoplepc.com
Subject: [hirschsprungs] HD and constipation