Hi I’m new to the forum. I’m trying to figure out if I have adrenal issues and what tests I need to ask for. I also have Hashi’s and psorasis immune issues.
I had a recent episode of extreme flank/kidney pain, nausea, dehydration, headache, 100 degree fever, fatigue - on day 2 of a new diet. (Basically I ate salmon, rice, asparagus, yam, Ultracleanse protein/vitamin powder, no fats). As soon as this happened, I went off the diet - ate regular foods and downed a bunch of potassium, magnesium, calcium pills. The pain subsided after an hour or so but I am still dealing with achy kidneys, fatigue, nausea and a headache.
The next afternoon, I went to the doctor and he said I did not have a kidney infection (based on urinalysis) and did a blood draw on my request which said the following: Cortisol 6.3 (3.0-17, 3pm); Calcium 9.3 (8.6-10); Sodium 139 (135-146); Glucose 90; Potassium 4.1 (3.5-5.3). I had 100 degree fever, blood pressure slightly elevated for me at 120/72 (normal is 100 to 110/70). Of course the Potassium/calcuim levels may be influenced by all the supplements I took.
Last year, I tried the Atkins diet and the same thing happened. My doctor checked my cortisol level a couple of weeks later which was: 0.9 (range 4.3-22.4 am, 3.1-16.7 pm).] I was started on an adrenal support supplement which I have been taking.
I’ve never had kidney pain, infections, stones, nor flank pain when dehydrated.
Have you had these symptoms before - especially with the flank pain?
Are the tests they are pulling adequate to figure out if I do or do not have adrenal issues?
If not, what tests should I ask for?