Hi to everyone.I understand that Hirschsprungs Disease can be a very serious disorder.I have been doing research on line for my son’s constipation problems and have found out that Hirschsprungs doesn’t always present it’s self at birth.I am just wondering how many of you or your children were diagnosed later than 6mo old and what kinds of symptoms you or your child had.
My son who is now 4 has been constipated since 7mo old.He is living on a laxative and we recently had him x-rayed and it came back that he is still constipated while on his laxative.Also he has night wakings 3-5 times a week.I used to think they were night terrors but years of watching him ,he seem more in pain than in a classic night terror.He is growing fine and developing well while on his laxative but still seems to only have a BM every other day.His BM are sometimes ribbon shaped or very thin.While off of his laxative he goesup to 14 days without a BM, he does’t eat much and becomes inactive and in pain.Sometimes vomiting.
I am sorry for the long post but I am looking to see if I should ask for him to be tested for Hirschsprungs when we see a specialist next month.Have any of you expirienced these symptoms with Hirschsprungs.
Thank you very much for you time!