Hi! what do you think? is this cryo or what?

I’m going to my lupus doc on thursday. I have lupus and sjogrens. Now the weather is bugging me. I feel so stupid, but I think I am allergic to Illinois winters. We were out Friday night and it was cold. I got hives which were terrible and got worse as I started to warm up, I also had a hard time breathing and I hurt until I was warmed up. My brain also felt foggy. I am worried that I might have cryo. DOest this sound stupid? I feel so yucky when it is cold that the thought of going outside makes me cry. I really don’t want my doc to think I am nuts. DOes this sound like cryo?

Hi Meggy!
It very well could be. They can do a special blood test to confirm but even then sometimes they are not completely accurate! Let us know how it goes with the Doc on Thurs. They to keep your eyes on the good and all that you can do–that can help to keep your spirits up.
Bless You